Philips 32PFL3404/78 TV Repair: Common Faults and Solutions.
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Philips 32PFL3404/78 Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes
Brand | Model | Fault | Detailed Problem | Solution | By |
PHILIPS | 32PFL3404/78 | When turned on, Standby locked | Broken trail at + do c474 | Remove the capacitor and jump from C340 to D1 up to the 3rd dot of the transistor u36 on the side that is not tsound next to C474 itself and solder a new C to make the job look good. | Wilson |
PHILIPS | 32PFL3404/78 | Dead tv. doesn't connect at all. it doesn't even turn on standby | Defect on the power supply board. short because of lightning. | Burnt k6a65d (blown) I replaced it with the p7nk80 and replaced some burnt ceramic caps. in addition to the c807. TV working normally after that | Eletronica R Poraquê |
PHILIPS | 32PFL3404/78 | When exchanging the main board for another model, the display was incompatible, leaving the screen with no information whatsoever. | Replace memory u21 from the old board for it or rewrite this memory with the correct model data.. (u21= 24c32wp) | EC | |
PHILIPS | 32PFL3404/78 | Turns on, after a short while it makes a loud hissing noise from the speakers and turns off | Defect in capacitors | According to tips from colleagues, I replaced capacitors on the main board, c474, c110, c532, c534 and x4 oscillator crystal, first of all replace the c110 capacitor, then the other capacitors and lastly the oscillator crystal | Claudio Eckert |
PHILIPS | 32PFL3404/78 | Turns on normally but keeps restarting by itself. freezes image and the characters are scrambled. | I cleaned around the processor and fixed the problem immediately. Good to change the capacitors too. | RYK | |
PHILIPS | 32PFL3404/78 | Blowing fuse, turns on weakly and turns off | Cw2 cw4 = 220p *221* // ch1 ch2 = 1000p *102* // qh1 qh2 = 2sk3561 | Replace capacitors and mosfets 3561 can be 3568 3569 located in LG philco power supplys etc. | XLA ELETRONICA |
PHILIPS | 32PFL3404/78 | Turns on with sound, no shine | Cf1 of 220pf/1kv, parallel with df1, modified | Swap cf1 | Gabriel GXP |
PHILIPS | 32PFL3404/78 | Intermittent defect: interference in the image and sometimes a loud whistle from the speakers and turns off. | Leakage of metal capacitors, mainly 100uf, 10uf and 4.7uf. Another cause of this defect is the 27 MHz crystal, position on the board is x4. So, for those who have already done the old tip of washing the board and changing capacitors and it didn't work, look for the x4 crystal. | Replace the position crystal in the 27mhz x4 chassis, close to the processor. | IntelectoDigital |
PHILIPS | 32PFL3404/78 | TV doesn't turn on | This TV has a system that is as follows: if you turn it off using the control, it will only turn on again through it and if it turns off using the power button, in the same way it will only turn on again through it. | Connect with control | Antonio Carlos (Eletrônica Renascer) |
PHILIPS | 32PFL3404/78 | Turns on, backlight turns on, the screen looks like a rainbow, starts red, yellow in the middle, white and dark at the bottom. After turning it on for a while, the screen is all blue and the image appears, everything is normal | Check cb1 and cw 23. | Swap cb1 cw23. | arock |
PHILIPS | 32PFL3404/78 40-IPL32L-PWG1XG | Dark screen in the center and blue on the side edges | Change capacitors 25 and 26, both 47p, close to ci 11 on the power supply board. | lucinei | |
PHILIPS | 32PFL3404/78 | Does not come out of standby either via the controller or the keyboard | Removing the power supply connector in socket p22 on the main board or on the power supply and replacing it again with the power cable connected, then it works, serves the control and everything else. If you remove the socket from the mains, you return to the same problem, nothing else matters. | Helio Eletronica | |
PHILIPS | 32PFL3404/78 | Turns on, everything is normal, after a while on, video disappears, sound remains, lamps on. | Capacitors c532, 534, 526,528, 529. | Replace them all, everything goes back to normal. | arock |
PHILIPS | 32PFL3404/78 | Does not work/noise at power supply | Capacitor cb1 with low capacitance or exhausted | Replace cb1 - 4.7μF/450v | ANTONIO DONIZETI DA CRUZ |
PHILIPS | 32PFL3404/78R TPS2. 1L LA | Sem backlight | Ic 801 uba2071at with pin 22 short circuited with pin 17 | Replace ic801 (uba2071at) | leitemarcellus |
PHILIPS | 32PFL3404/78 | Does not work/noise at power supply | Capacitor cb1 with low capacitance or exhausted | Replace cb1 - 4.7μF/450v | ANTONIO DONIZETI DA CRUZ |
PHILIPS | 32PFL3404/78R TPS2. 1L LA | Sem backlight | Ic 801 uba2071at with pin 22 short circuited with pin 17 | Replace ic801 (uba2071at) | leitemarcellus |