Search: Samsung LN32R71B
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Samsung LN32R71B Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
With picture on HDMI and sound showing hissing noiseI checked for a short in the STV8257 audio processor, found the capacitor C6015 (SMD 10uF/16V) with low insulation measuring 32 ohms, replaced it and the audio returned to normal.Erick Geraldeli
Press stand by it turns on then turns offbene
TV turns on, lights up and then turns off, TV works normallyT106 transformer inverts giving high or open resistanceReplace of trafficANTONIO C GASPAR
Does not tune to cable/catv channels.Replace c151 and c152.electronicssupplyparts - Gramado/RS
Restarting directly, back light normal, power supply normal, defect on the main boardOpen ra224Check all the resistors around the memory ic223, ra221 to ra228, all of themAlex Lopes <small>This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.</small>
TV doesn't turn on. standby LED lit directly.Six (6) power supply board electrolytic capacitors with altered ESR.Check the electrolytic capacitors, and replace them if necessary.leandrorocha
Check dry electrolytic capacitors on main boardTsound was no sound and the image was failingRmseletronica