Search: Samsung UN40FH5303
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Samsung UN40FH5303 Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
turning off the back light, or turning it on and not turning on the back lighton the main board defective blu lineq204 smd transistor any npn will do, I put bc817Ariel Santos
Inoperative does not even light the byBad transistor on main board. ic1204 or ici204I tested the power supply and it was ok, I went to the main board and found this regulator traffic bad. close and connected to the reset key on the main boardFernando Nascimento
The LED keeps flashing and doesn't turn onChange the power supply cm872 and cm873Eletronicaaeb
LED blinks but doesn't turn onJ818 oxidized (located below the MOSFET heatsink) power supply boardReplace the jumperEletronicaaeb
The image disappears after a while, the audio remains normalBlu on line defectDisconnect this pin from the power supply and the 5vdc voltage will remain and will no longer turn off the screenPaulo Pinho