Results: 87440

Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
Blanking problem (unusual), replaced c-1504Unit had unusual blanking problem. top half of screen blankedbottom half looked like out of horizontal sync. also, no up and downcontrol with volume and channel functions.
Time and date distortedThe time and date was distorted. the letters were slanted andoff the screen to the right.solution: adjusted character position and this corrected the problem.
What is the disconnect time when using the flash buttonHow long is the line disconnected for when using the flashbutton? -hq comments: the line relay is opened for 500msec.
What is the disconnect time when using the flash buttonHow long is the line disconnected for when using the flashbutton? -hq comments: the line relay is opened for 500msec.
What is the disconnect time when using the flash buttonHow long is the line disconnected for when using the flashbutton? -hq comments: the line relay is opened for 500msec.
What is the disconnect time when using the flash buttonHow long is the line disconnected for when using the flashbutton? -hq comments: the line relay is opened for 500msec.
What is the disconnect time when using the flash buttonHow long is the line disconnected for when using the flashbutton? -hq comments: the line relay is opened for 500msec.
What is the disconnect time when using the flash buttonHow long is the line disconnected for when using the flashbutton? -hq comments: the line relay is opened for 500msec.
What is the disconnect time when using the flash buttonHow long is the line disconnected for when using the flashbutton? -hq comments: the line relay is opened for 500msec.
What is the disconnect time when using the flash buttonHow long is the line disconnected for when using the flashbutton? -hq comments: the line relay is opened for 500msec.
What is the disconnect time when using the flash buttonHow long is the line disconnected for when using the flashbutton? -hq comments: the line relay is opened for 500msec.
What is the disconnect time when using the flash buttonHow long is the line disconnected for when using the flashbutton? -hq comments: the line relay is opened for 500msec.
What is the disconnect time when using the flash buttonHow long is the line disconnected for when using the flashbutton? -hq comments: the line relay is opened for 500msec.
Disc drawer would not close and toc not readThe disc drawer could be opened by pressing the open/closebutton. however, once open, the drawer could not be closed by using thebutton. if the disc was chucked manually, the unit would not start focussearch.
Rewind malfunctionUnit had pulsating rewind - start/stop, start/stop. voltagesfrom ic-401/pin 20 varying. changed ic-401, q-404, q-403. no help.could jumper q-404 coll/emit, start rewind, then remove jumper and unitwould perform ok. noticed pin 12 ic-401 also pulsatin
Unit in protectionUnit is in protection. emitters of output transistors are 0volts. q-700 is turned on hard causing 9 volts on collector going toprotection ic-700.
Error in schematic drawing, around r-332, d-301, r-367Schematic drawing error in the area designated at junctionm-19. parts involved are r-332, d-301 and r-367.
P/n for "a" board support bracket, 4-388-969-01There is no part number for the a board support bracketshown in the service manual (pg 49). -hq comments: we have faxed tokyo and they have informed us that thepart number for this item is 4-388-969-01.
Motorboating noise in handsetMotorboating noise in handset speaker.
No channel lockNo channel lock (or sometimes only channels 8, 9 and 10).also applies to serial numbers 12072, 12103 and 12826.