Results: 87436

Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
Impedance of sony telephone productsWhat is the impedance of our phone products? -hq comments: all sony phones fall in the range of 50 to 300Ω whenthe phone is off-hook and when dc-loop current is in the range of 15 -120 ma.
Impedance of sony telephone productsWhat is the impedance of our phone products? -hq comments: all sony phones fall in the range of 50 to 300Ω whenthe phone is off-hook and when dc-loop current is in the range of 15 -120 ma.
Impedance of sony telephone productsWhat is the impedance of our phone products? -hq comments: all sony phones fall in the range of 50 to 300Ω whenthe phone is off-hook and when dc-loop current is in the range of 15 -120 ma.
Impedance of sony telephone productsWhat is the impedance of our phone products? -hq comments: all sony phones fall in the range of 50 to 300Ω whenthe phone is off-hook and when dc-loop current is in the range of 15 -120 ma.
Impedance of sony telephone productsWhat is the impedance of our phone products? -hq comments: all sony phones fall in the range of 50 to 300Ω whenthe phone is off-hook and when dc-loop current is in the range of 15 -120 ma.
Impedance of sony telephone productsWhat is the impedance of our phone products? -hq comments: all sony phones fall in the range of 50 to 300Ω whenthe phone is off-hook and when dc-loop current is in the range of 15 -120 ma.
Impedance of sony telephone productsWhat is the impedance of our phone products? -hq comments: all sony phones fall in the range of 50 to 300Ω whenthe phone is off-hook and when dc-loop current is in the range of 15 -120 ma.
Impedance of sony telephone productsWhat is the impedance of our phone products? -hq comments: all sony phones fall in the range of 50 to 300Ω whenthe phone is off-hook and when dc-loop current is in the range of 15 -120 ma.
Noisy pictureOne head output is missing.
Noisy pictureOne head output is missing.
New back plates do not fit older unitsOlder fd-10a (i.e. - 1986 models) were manufactured in japan,newer models were made in taiwan. band sw is in different positioncausing a misfit of replacement plates on older units. -hq comments: cabinets (rear) assembly for both old and new fd10a area
Clock and date goes blank intermittentlyClock and date display goes out intermittenly. the two dotsfor indicating time and one for date stay on and can be changed withdisplay button. back light condition stays as set. all radio and cdfunctions work properly.
No picture, audio ok : flourescent lamp, fr-801Picture goes blank after two or three seconds.
No manual power on, change c-125 to 2.2/50v bi-polarUnit has no manual power on/off. there is a hole for d-106in reset circuit. no component is there, instead there should be c-115.if diode is inserted in reverse direction unit will work. in manual powermade, unit has a power and reset pulse required t
No manual power on, see sb # 40, c-125 replaced with bipolarUnit has no manual power on/off. there is a hole for d-106in reset circuit. no component is there, instead there should be c-115.if diode is inserted in reverse direction unit will work. in manual powermade, unit has a power and reset pulse required t
Missing part numbers - output transistorsNo part numbers listed for output transistors, q511, 512, 611and 612.
Tuning indicatorTuning indicator bar is 1/8 inch shifted from thecorresponding channel numbers. can this be corrected? -hp comments: this bar can not be adjusted. its length versus channelnumbers is determined by ic program (icoo1).
Tape stabilizer loose in unitTape stabilizer guide rolling around loose in transport -customer pulled out through cassette door. second unit with sameproblem.
Sap broadcasters in ny have changed audio informationI received inquiry concerning why there were no longer radiobroad casts on sap mode on channel 41, 11, 9. according to the individualstations engineering departments, music program has been replaced with amono duplicate of tv stations programming.
Schematic error, diode d-106 not used, refer to tvp flash 37Page 38 of service manual shows d106 between pin 1 of ic101and l101.