Results: 87436

Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
Tuner locked on amWhile in tuner mode, unit will only operate in am. am spacingwas 9khz rather than 10khz. could not switch unit to fm mode.
Reduced sensitivity to scene changesThe unit does not set off the alarm when small changes aremade in the monitored scenes. changes have to be very large to set offthe alarm.
Function button does not lock in positionThe switch will not stay in position due to the elasticity ofthe rubber cover on the switch. the rubber is so stiff that the switchis forced back to its center position. -hq comments: tokyo fax (a900272): an improved rubber cover (ref #61)has been mad
Dark vertical bar on left side of picture, replace d-506On turn-on this set had a narrow dark vertical bar on the leftside of the picture. as the set warmed up, the bar increased to aboutthree inches wide black on the left side of the bar grey on the rightside of the bar. the picture is ok on the rest of th
Distorted audio with low outputUnit had distorted audio with low output.
No low frequencyNo service manual on this model. how do you open the unit up?i may need to order parts to repair the speaker. -hq comments: this is a non-repairable model. it is an exchange modeland thus if under warranty, can be ordered through kansas city parts.
Set all blue (r-718 open) set all tgreen (r-712 open)R-718 open in this unit. r-712 open in another of same model. -hq comments: thank you very much for your report. this is the firstreport with this problem. please keep in touch with this problem andreport to us.
No turntable height adjustment in service manualThe turntable and spindle motor are provided as separateparts, not as part of the chassis. when replacing spindle motor, theturntable must be forced off. replacing the motor, therefore, includesremoving and replacing turntable. there is no adjustment
Casters, part number belowNo part number for casters in the service manual. -hq comments: there are two types of casters. there is no infomation asto when they were switched or to what the difference is to the new type.they are not interchangeable .old type
Incorrect substitute ac power cordOrder above, get 155150699. substitute is 2 conductor with noground. original is 3 conductor. need correct part number. -hq comments: i checked with product compliance. they feel that a 3conductor cord should be used. i will check with tokyo about
Part number for protective inserts (rca plugs)Need part number for protective inserts for audio/video jacks.these come with camera. cannot find in service manual. -hq comments: please use contact guard assembly ack-1, part numbera-7090-815-a, as per service bulletin no. cam0064.
Part number missing in service manual supplement 1The part number for rl-002 is missing in supplement no. 1 ofthe acv-33 service manual.
Excessive noise on edges of objectsNoise on trailing edges of objects.
Unit shuts down transportTransport would stop after a few seconds, also no reelcounter. found no reel led drive to sensors. found c-302 shorted.
Missing part number (f-201)Blown battery fuse f-201 as shown in supplement no. 3. partnumber for fuse is not listed anywhere for 2 amp link. -hq comments: the part number for f-201 is 1-576-050-11.
Ams adjustmentPlease reference page 52 of the manual and look at no. 401. iwould like to know if there is any information regarding the adjustment ofthis plate. -hq comments: this is not an adjustable plate. the pins on the plateare used to lock the head plate in p
Battery cells separateDuring charge, the battery cell casings separate, emittingsmoke and blowing the battery cover off. ssc reports three batteriesreplaced due to this. -hq comments: i have gotten a couple of batteries from sscs that were inthis condition. i suspect that
Ccd-v11 intermittent failure in cam modeIntermittent or no camera power.
Unit stops after 5 to 10 secondsStop playing tape after 5 - 10 seconds.
No/intermittent colorUnit displayed no color or sometimes intermittent. bin h. insan diego traced problem to l-550. audio five volts comes into the boardthrough l-550 and feeds ic-550. no 5 volts on ic-550.