Results: 87435

Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
No part number - helical antennaThere is no part number in the preliminary manual for thehelical antenna on the handset. we do not have a final version of theservice manual as yet. -hq comments: to tokyo: please supply us with the part number for thehandset helical antenna. please s
No part number in service manualThe part numbers for the pinion, dial gear (b) and the dialshaft are not listed on page 75 of the service manual. -hq comments: the part numbers are as follows: dial gear(b)-388057900 dial shaft- 388057700the pinion is not available.
Centuring adjustment jigDoes the video head centering adjustment jig come with thevideo heads? -hq comments: according to the service manual, page 271 it is suppliedwith the video heads.
No display illuminationThere is no clock display on some units when acc is switchedon and unit is off.
Part number missing for headphone remote clipWhen unit is purchased new, there is a clip for the remote onthe headphone that allows you to clip it onto your shirt pocket. thispart is not listed in the manual. replacement headphones ordered throughparts department are also missing these clips. -h
Part number missing for headphone remote clipWhen unit is purchased new, there is a clip for the remote onthe headphone that allows you to clip it onto your shirt pocket. thispart is not listed in the manual. replacement headphones ordered throughparts department are also missing these clips. -h
Antenna an18e, use original 1-501-372-41Original part number 1-501-372-41 has been substituted to1-501-284-00. this antenna will not fit with adaptor. its too big withthe adaptor and its too small without the adaptor. please advise. -hq comments: now original antenna 1-501-372-41 is availa
Excessive wow and flutterThere is an excessive amount of wow and flutter during tapeplay especially after autoreverse function.
Part number for adjustment cable is not registered in rpcThe part number for the adjustment cable listed in the servicemanual on page 119 (adjustment section) is not registered in rpc. -hq comments: this part is now available.
Remote compatability problemWe have a customer who purchased an str-av460 along with atc-fx310 and ps-lx410. after a period of time, the dealer had to replacethe str-av460 with a str-av680. the remote does not function with thetape deck or turntable. i have no information on the
Unit scratches discsThe lower roller becomes coated with dust and debris whichscratches discs during loading and eject function.
Unit scratches discsThe lower roller becomes coated with dust and debris whichscratches discs during loading and eject function.
Continuous auto-reverseThe unit continuously auto-reverses. it appears that thetrigger lever (ref. no. 356) is a little sloppy. i have replaced thelever and the cam gear (ref. no. 358) as well. this did not solve theproblem. -hq comments: to tokyo: tech news no. au89064 de
Continuous auto-reverseThe unit continuously auto-reverses. it appears that thetrigger lever (ref. no. 356) is a little sloppy. i have replaced thelever and the cam gear (ref. no. 358) as well. this did not solve theproblem. -hq comments: to tokyo: tech news no. au89064 de
Continuous auto-reverseThe unit continuously auto-reverses. it appears that thetrigger lever (ref. no. 356) is a little sloppy. i have replaced thelever and the cam gear (ref. no. 358) as well. this did not solve theproblem. -hq comments: to tokyo: tech news no. au89064 de
Compatability of tape and unitCan hi8 tapes be used on normal 8mm units and do you get abetter picture? can normal 8mm tapes be used on hi8 units? -hq comments: hi8 tapes can be used on normal 8mm units and the picturequality is slightly better. we do not recommend using these tap
Power on-off button breakage, see mod belowThe complete bezel must be replaced when the power buttonhinge breaks off. this happens frequently and the list price is $93.11.there are 65 pieces now on nat. backorder. failure occurs from excessivebutton travel distance.
Recording noise in audioWhen on record, noise similar to motor noise was recorded with audio.
No zoom functionsZoom will not work in any direction when using the wide andtelephoto button.
Rdss, panic switchWhile installing the panic switch, i noticed the shrink tubingthat goes over the wires also goes over the switch contacts. this causesextreme stress on the wires - with vibration the wire(s) could break. wefound one of the switches with a broken wire.