Search: 40L5400
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40L5400 Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
Does not turn on, standby LED flashes redVoltages on the plate oscillatingSwap N801 and n806 both fr9889Higorot
No voltage on the secondary, stand by LED off, and voltage on the capacitor 179v on the c901, on the c.i fan6755w voltage of 1.6v on pin 1 vin and 53v on pin 8 hvSmd zener diode shorted VDW908 of 6v8 and the control c.i fan6755w after changing it returned normal.Eliel
TV flickering on standby and noise from speakersRegulator (fr9889) in position n 806 (measure pin 1 voltage of 5 volts varying)Replace the regulator in position n806 and run for the hugDTEC_ELETRONICA
Turns on the power, the stand-by LED flashes very quickly and it goes off... after that the TV doesn't turn on, it stays dead.5volt power supply absent in the n806 (fr9889), note that the 12volt power supply is 6.7v which is supposed to be low, but in stand-by the 12 volt power supply is a little more than 6v... ok ....Swap n806MIGUELTV
Nothing lights up...stand by offFr9889 change the 2...vd803 (changed)Fr9889 replace the 2 ...vd803 diode 1n4148 (replaced) after ready making noise in the speakers and it doesn't turn onANTONIO
It turns on normally, the logo appears and returns to standby.Several LEDs burned out, the complete set was replaced. problem persisted.Defect in the 3.3v regulator 1117-33 silkscreen in this version n808 marking 2.9v. replacement made and problem resolved
Does not turn on, does not oscillate primary power supply.Short circuit in the 6v8 smd zener diode in the primary power supply position VDW904. If the TV still doesn't turn on, also replace the CI PWM Fan6755Wrafaelmoraes99
Doesn't start. standby off.Ci n806 ,(fr9889)dc/cd , no output voltage on pin 3.Ci replace. Thank you for the tip posted by assolini br.Marotta
Nothing turns on, no stand by LED, 5v stand by power supply absent,On the board next to the processor tsound is ic code n806. fr9889 (dc/dc converter) had voltage on terminal 2 (input) that comes from the main power supply and did not have 5v on terminal 3 (output)Replacing the aforementioned ic n 806 only solves the problem.Assolini BR
With sound and without imageBurned out ledsThe LEDs were replaced and the backlight still did not turn on. Tsound was a lack of voltage in the board connector, next to the connector tsound was an open coil. After changing the coil, the TV started working normally again.Gustavo Stefanon