Search: 47LB7DF
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47LB7DF Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
Dark screen, no image, lamps do not light.Check f700, open case possible q 706 and q707 shorted, usually cold solder causes them to burnReplace f700, q706, q707 and check possible annealed welds.Assolini BR
Does not turn on, pfc circuit does not bend 400v. Vcc supply of cis u101 and u600 is low, causing the 400v not to doubleShorted components close to u501.Replace of components: zd500 zenner 15v, smd transistor q501 "I took it from scrap from a similar PCI", cracked c509 smd. I didn't find the schematic for this power supply.rafaelmoraes99
Does not turn on nor does the LED light upPrimary power supply ok! the problem was the shorted pwm u502(ice3b1565j). r508(2r2) open and c202 and 206(2200uf/16v), stewed!.Luir
It takes a while to turn on, the LED just keeps blinkingC from power supply c202,217,210,221,200Bruske
It takes a while to turn on, the LED just keeps blinkingC from power supply c202,217,210,221,200Bruske