Search: 50PB560B
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50PB560B Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
picturelessDefective Controlling PlateReplace Controlling PlateEletronica NDN
picturelessYSUS in shortreplace Q552, Q554 both SMK0460, R561 - 10 Ohms, C672 - 102K 1KV, C671 - 471K 1KV, D556 ES1G, IC 551 - P155E, D552 - CDZ55C56, comes only 56 in the zener 56V 500MA encapsulationEletronica NDN
Just one image pulse then erasesC 205 smd with leakage below r 201=2.2ΩReplace without testing * good luck!Jhone eletronica
Turns off and on (restarts) with operating time of about 20 minutes*only detected on the open Globo channel, on other channels and HDMI works normallyVia the remote's common menu *options*interactivity (dtvi) deactivate the function and solved the problem. due to some incompatibility of the interaction with the video circuits, it goes into protection causing a restart. resolved* helping strengthens!
No imageOn the p131 connector tsound was vs and va, but tsound was no 18v on the y-sus boardQ507 and d502 shorted near the 220k resistor.Eletronica EASI
LG50PB560B 50PB650B 50PB690B
Does not turn on, only 5v standby, when activating the power the standby flashes and comes back on. without va, without vs, without 18v. auto-gen does not activate.After inspecting the y-sus, z-sus and trying the auto-gen on ctrl bd, without success, I checked several cold soldering points on the power supply PCI, in addition to the IC that switches the va and vs voltages in short.Complete resoldering of the power supply, replace ic801 (ncp1397bg)WorldTV + Eletronica Tecnotronic
TV turns on looks like the logo with a weak image or full of red dots then goes into protectionDefect is a double diode showing low anode resistance for catode 150 to 190 homos, the correct one is that it presents a resistance of 390 homos upwards as an fcf10a40 was used instead and resolved the defect or use an equivalent in the place, this diode is in the el40 position on the board. power supply wsound it feeds tension from you.Bruno trindade
Image disappears after 10 to 15 minutesCheck c445Arnaldo Murta
Missing 18v on ysusCi ic251 close to r253 large 220k resistorReplace your ci and run to the hugGilberto Costa
Oscillating 18vCi ic204 three terminals brokenReplace the same and run for the hugGilberto Costa
Missing 18v on ysusCi ic251 close to r253 large 220k resistorReplace your ci and run to the hugGilberto Costa
TV with sound and no image works perfectly671 blue ceramic capacitor for the transformer on the board and itsELETROSIDERAL
Has sound, no imageAll normal vs and va voltages, but without 18v and 5v on z-susZ-sus board replacementArnoltec
Does not turn on or standbyC204 shorted 150uf/35vReplace c204MARCELO RODRIGO QUINELATTO
LG50PB690B = 50PB560B
TV turns on but tsound is no imageOn the y-sus board, shorted smd capacitor c205, it is next to the t201 transformerReplace c205ELETRONICA AV TEC
Connects with audio, without image.C205 shorted and charred. it is under the glue of the transformer on the y-sus plateC205 replaceMarcelo Piranga
TV works normally, only has sound and no imageShorted capacitor on the ysus board (c205) near the transformerReplace for the sameEletrônica Bastos
Turns on normally and turns off after a few hoursReplace all smd photocouplers el817 with leakage, q606 - d1347c, q301 - c3198, q502 - c3207y with leakage, d303 - uf4007, d304 - 1n4007, zd303 - c10v all bad with leakage, c308 and c609 - 100uf 50v with leakage ,c809 - 22uf 50v badI replaced all these components, the TV didn't turn off but the problem was resolvedandre
Turns on the sound and normal image after a few minutes the screen turns off leaving only the audioFaulty controller boardAfter changing it, it returned to normal.Eugenio
LED blinks but doesn't turn onAvaria na y-sus capacitor c204 (150/35v) with leakage.Replace capacitorWELLINGTON