Search: CM4330
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CM4330 Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
Turns on after 10 secondsShorted transistor q953St3202y. I put a bc639 it worked perfectDinetronic. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Went into protection when increasing the volumeAclopador pc902Resolved a hugdinetronic
Turns on without sound, after a few seconds it goes into protection20v zener diode shorted zd905 in front of mosfet q902ReplacePATRICK ELETRÔNICA
Intermittent, sometimes it turns on normally, other times it turns on a squeaky sound and goes into protection!Altered zd904 diode, in the test it may appear as normal!Replace without measuring!Doremilton
League for 30 seconds enter sprotectioC726 side ci audioReplace it and it's zero againGeorge Eletrônica Milênio
Turns on, reads pen drive without sound and goes into s-protectionQ953 heating up a lot, I put an inverted tip41 and it worked.ReplaceMarcondes Ohm Eletrônica Jaicós PI
Works for a few minutes and goes into s-protectionDefective pc903 coupler photoReplace pc903SILNEI
Don't care, power supply ok! When activating the power, you will notice a slight blinking in the LEDs around the vol knob.Ic701 burst.Replace ic701, tas5612la.BRITO
Doesn't startDiode d923Just replace.ELETRONICA LINE ORG CICERO LIMA
It turned on, read the pen drive and turned offAfter a lot of testing I discovered the transistor q-953 in the test it looked good but the original was open and an ST25c I replaced it with a tip41cReplace it for another equal one or a tip41c solves itELETRÔNICA CAVALCANTE MARTINÓPOLE-CE
Works for a few minutes, without sound and goes into s-protectionFotoaclopadorReplace of the sameRAFAEL
LGCM4330 EAX64991501
Sometimes it turns on, sometimes it doesn't.6v2 zener diode, position zd902 and 6.8nano polyester capacitor position c908, changed.Swap 6v2 for 8v2/1w and 6.8nano for 10n/50v and that's it...LUCIANO ALQUEJA
Works for a few minutes, then the sound disappears and goes into s-protectionCheck the 26v voltage on pin 15 of the cn901 connector, if it varies, check the zd904 10v diodeWILLIAM C.M.