Search: TPF2940
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TPF2940 Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
Don't turn on, flashing STBC1701 very alteredreplacementpaulo r barbosa
It turned on normally but tsound was no white drizzle, it had normal characters and the sound of the channel but tsound was no image just this black screen.In my case the fly-back burst and sparked everywsound, burning r714 and changing r724, leaving the c731 smd shorted which also opened r723 smdReplace all the components mentioned good luck ass:edfesomEdfesom
Turns on arms the relay in seconds Turns off disarms relayI tested the fly back, it's ok, the defect is in the shorted deflector coil, I replaced it, resolvedDefect resolvedAndre
Standby LED flashing, the TV does not oscillate and goes out.It was the two capacitors c1701 and c 1703=5k6 with low capacitance, I replaced them and the TV worked normally.ELETRÔNICA MELO BOA VIAGEM -CEARA
When the TV is turned on after a few minutes, the image darkens at once but the sound continues. Turning it off and turning it on again returns the image normally and after about 10 to 16 minutes it returns with the same defect.I removed the capacitor c60 9 of 220nf x100v which was measuring about 202nf on the capacimeter. and the c606 of 47nonofaraides x250 vlts apparently good on the capacimeter, but it was badI replaced the two c606 and c609 close to the vertical output (note in some cases you have to replace up to the vertical output number; tda 8177f) it remained fileThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
When turned on, it starts and then goes into protectionC1701 5n6j 1k6 opennelson
LED flashing and arming the protectionOpening the screen a little you notice retraction lines and then you arm the protection causing the led to blinkReplace 2 cap 5n6 / 1k6 c1701 c1703EPATEC-ES
Standby LED flashing, the TV does not oscillate and goes out.It was the two capacitors c1701 and c 1703=5k6 with low capacitance, I replaced them and the TV worked normally.ELETRÔNICA MELO BOA VIAGEM -CEARA
When the TV is turned on after a few minutes, the image darkens at once but the sound continues. Turning it off and turning it on again returns the image normally and after about 10 to 16 minutes it returns with the same defect.I removed the capacitor c60 9 of 220nf x100v which was measuring about 202nf on the capacimeter. and the c606 of 47nonofaraides x250 vlts apparently good on the capacimeter, but it was badI replaced the two c606 and c609 close to the vertical output (note in some cases you have to replace up to the vertical output number; tda 8177f) it remained fileThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
When turned on, it starts and then goes into protectionC1701 5n6j 1k6 opennelson
LED flashing and arming the protectionOpening the screen a little you notice retraction lines and then you arm the protection causing the led to blinkReplace 2 cap 5n6 / 1k6 c1701 c1703EPATEC-ES