Battery Life Calculator

The time a battery can work with a device is given by the load charge capacity hour that the battery can work with a particular device.
The running time may vary, however, the approximate running time is equal to the maximum battery charge divided by consumption.
Battery (mAh) / Device (mA) = uptime
If the operating time is less than the minimum operating time, is likely to be one of the following conditions:

  • Terminal Oxidation;
  • Battery lifetime exceeded;
  • Moisture or water in the connections or contacts;

Battery Max Uptime = Battery capacity in Milliamps hour / Load Current in milliamps

Estimated Uptime = Battery capacity in Milliamps hour / Load Current in milliamps * 0.70

Battery Calculator
Battery Capacity (mAh) Device Consumption (mA)
Estimated Uptime (Hours)  Max. Uptime (Hours)