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Schematics and Service Manual in Download Area

LG EAY62609701 PSPI-L103A PSU Schematics. Components: IC101: KIA431BM; IC301: STR-W6052S; IC351: KIA2431AS; IC601: 2A20112ASP; IC701: MC81F4216D; IC801: NCP1397BDR2G; IC802: KIA431BM. download link
LG EAY62609801 PSPL-L104A PSU Schematics. Components: IC101: KIA431BM; IC301: STR-W6052S; IC361: KIA2431AS; IC601: R2A20112ASP; IC701: MC81F4216D; IC801: NCP1397BDR2G; download link
LG LGP37C-12HPC EAY62788701 PSU Power Supply Schematic. Components: IC100: L6599AD; IC600: HS01G; IC500: NCP1028 download link
Panasonic TNPA4221AL PSU Power supply for Panasonic TH-42PV70C. IC401 CNC1S171R IC403 CNC1S171R IC406 C0DBZZZ00082 IC408 PS2581AL2 IC409 MIP3E30MPSCF IC411 MP2B6120 IC412 CNC1S171R IC501 C2ABDB0... download link
Panasonic TNPA4221AK PSU Schematics. Components: IC406: L6561 IC409: MIP3E3 IC501: M34509G4FP IC510: BD9703FP IC520: LSSK0087 Used in models: br> TH-42PH10AK, TH-42PH10AS, TH-42PH10MK, T... download link
HAIER LE39B8550T, DH1U70D2301 Chassis MSD34631 LED TV Service Manual download link
Sony KD-60X690EKD, KD-70X690E Chassis GN3FK KCL LCD Digital Color TV, service manual. GN3FK-KCL Chassis KD-60X690EKD; KD-70X690E; KD-60X695E; KD-60X697E; KD-60X6700E; KD-70X6700E. download link
BK 570A - Linear IC tester datasheet Repair guide - schematic download link
Philips GM6070 Repair guide - schematic download link
General Radio 700A HF generator Repair guide - schematic download link
Astron RS-70A RS-70M Repair guide - schematic download link
British Physical Laboratories RS-700 bridge Repair guide - schematic download link
AIL type 7010 and 7011 coaxial noise generator Repair guide - schematic download link
Amphenol 870 Millivolt Commander Repair guide - schematic download link
BK 570A - Linear IC tester manual Repair guide - schematic download link