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LG Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
Turns off after a few secondsProtection armingReplace resistor r420. 220kLOU
Heating until it burnsC411Guys, sound's a tip: 2sd2689 has a diode, a tar of 2sd2689ls doesn't have one because most of them are fake.luizandradina
Heating up until it burns out horizontal output, 2sd2689C411 openJust replace the said, people be careful, tsound are a lot of these counterfeit exits, just burn them againluizandradina
Turns on and goes into protection immediately afterwards (arms and disarms)Open vertical circuit diode d302 (1n4005)After replacing it, the device started working normally again.DIGITÉC ELETROICA
The TV doesn't turn on, the fuse blows when turning it on.I replaced the str w6753 power supply regulator. I cold tested the photocoupler, it passes the test. But it doesn't solve the problem, the fuse blows.I replaced the photocoupler. It was the misery of the photocoupler, make the replace without testing it and running for the hug.Júnior/Maceió-Al
It has sound, it has plot, but the image is completely distorted (ghost)L102 coil messed with broken ferriteReplace-la and recalibrate-laPaulo Sertel - Itararé SP
Poor tuning and in low channels the image is dark and in high channels the image is very drizzledAltered resistor r526 of 47k and r525 of 62kReplacing the 47k resistor r526 and 62k r525 with 47k replaced the problem was resolvedThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The drawer opened but did not closeThe belt was worn without pressure, so it didn't work properlyI replaced the belt and it was fine, opening and closing.LULA SOM E IMAGEM
Vertical closedR. 313I just replaced and thanked God for the breaddan levita
Problems with vertical, thin horizontal band in the center of the monitor and it turned off in secondsCracks in the ic 804, resolder it and the ic803Marcos
No image white screenPower supply capacitors and cleaning lvds flat cableeletrotech ctba
LED on but not turning onCi 9volt regulatorjesujm
200v high power supply does not turn on or light up the LEDOpen fd803sELETROCLAUDIO AGUAS BELAS
Turns on and then starts to go off and on until it goes out for goodReg 3.3v shorted, supply highSubstituir o reg ld 1117v33 , ic 823EXPEDITO
Turns on normally for 1 minute the screen turns white with linesDefective tube socketReplace sockettoninho da eletronica
Tsound is normal sound and brightness on the screen but tsound is no image, the lamps light up normally and sometimes they seem to blink. In the measurements taken at the power supply, everything seems ok 5v 12v 20v.On q1003 check the input and output voltages pin1 input 12v and pins 7 and 8 output must have 12 on the output if it is low check the gate voltage pin 2 of q1003 must be around 6v if not check the c1056 smd = 1uf may be leaking, an external 12v power supply can be used for more accurate diagnosis.BRUSKE
Screen shaking (vertical)Elco c-315 ( 0,47mf 63v)Krul
TV had a list at the topService mode - vertical center and just adjust and blzaDELLA FOTOS E CONCERTOS 7988013664
TV doesn't work LED doesn't light device inoperativePower supply with all outputs very low9v1 zener diode zd851 shortGILSCE
Contrast does not workD502Put a 1n4148JOSÉ GUSMÃO