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LG Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
Normal connection with the vertical closed!C311Replace the 2200μF25v c311 without measuring and the TV will work normally. God be praised!Sinailson furtado
Stuck on lg logo or turning off by itselfAr 1201 and ar1202 open, banks of resistors, located close to the processor.Measure them all and replace them for the same valueAlex Lopes <small>This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.</small>
Secondary power supply below 90vPhoto-couplerfabiusmax
Does not turn on or turns on from time to timeX500 and x501 crystals. After heating it turns on...Replacing it... removing x501 from old cell phone cards, tsound are lots of them. x501 removed from tablet board, exactly 24mhz, they are a little bigger, but they fit perfectly...cricascell
When turned off, the LED doesn't even light up and the fuse is burning. This TV was burned by lightning.Shorted rectifier bridgeMat cap25 ves40 every time you did good to your brother, you did it to me. said the king.<span class="xxsmall">ELETRONICA NOSSA SENHORA APARECIDA</span>
League, no imageReballingReplace the processor balls - autogen beforeEletronica Jambeiro
When turning on the TV tsound is sound but the image takes a long time to appear.When connecting the TV, the output of Q2407 (Mosfet for Chanel) does not show 12V (panel power supply). the gate voltage determined by the resistive mesh r2441, r2442 and q2406 was around 11v, that is, very close to 12v, with tsound not being enough vgs to drive the mosfet. It was observed that the gate voltage slowly decreased to a value around 8.5v, causing the MOSFET to conduct and the presence of 12V on its drain, resulting in the TV image. as q2406 is responsible for the voltage value in the gate loop, it was replaced.Replace q2406 (mmbt3904 manμFacturer nxp).Valmir
No sound, turns on with normal image.Change or remove capacitor c912.C912 shorted.Jadson G Nascimento
LG DHL 625
Doesn't start (dead)Replacement of the diode in the secondary power supply d953 (sr306), diode was shortedMARCO FERRI
Burning ledsLED voltage changedReplace 2.7Ω r816 to 4.7 homsRaimundo Antônio-Acre
Does not turn on, or takes a long time to turn on.C121 and d121 changedSwap c121 and d121MARCONES DE ARARIPINA-PE
TV turns on, stays on for a while or days and turns off.Power supply capacitor in position 829 with broken solder. solution to solder the capacitor terminals.All Master Eletronica
The front panel LEDs are offC 130- ceramic capacitor shorted when connected to the 12v lineReplace.JOÃO ELETRONICO
Replace r839839 resistor replacementReplace r839Cícero ajude pra se ajudado
Turns on without image and without LED lightingCold soldering processorDo bgaAndrei lowe 051991421340
Power supply turns on and off. When turned on, it makes noise as if the transformer core was vibrating.16v zener diode zd9108 shorted.You have to remove it from the circuit to measure the short.Persio (TVCompany)
Whitish screen, background image appears more or less normalCapacitor c659 22mf/16v shorted, next to the flat connectors.Replace capacitor with another and the 8v voltage returns to normalGRINGO SERVICOS
After a while when connected, functions lock, won't turn on, remote won't work.X502 32.768mhz crystal, just heat it with the soldering iron and the defect appears.mfelipe
Does not turn on power supply voltage droppingCapacitor c920 leakingReplace the 2 smd capacitors c918 and c920Lucafer
TV turns on normally, if it turns off it won't turn on again. After unplugging it, it turns back on.Exhausted capacitorC201 - 1500/10vJosé Alberto Borba Bittencourt