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PHILCO Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
Unstable verticalC-410 (0.1 µf)
Symptom is just drizzle and the sound is loud and does not control any functionCause -r882.330k open is on the memory board along with the tr q.881.
PHILCOTC-20/29G11 / TC-29A11
Does not turn on, without 9v power.D602 in all devices submitted to authorized service, replace diode d602 with a jumper. If this diode opens, the device becomes inoperative.
Queima do stk73907-tCountermeasure: when replacing the ic801 code. stk73907-t the changes must be made as described below: 1. replace the printed circuit stk. Add thermal paste and attach it firmly to the heatsink. 2. add a 130pf / 3.6m capristor. code. exng131p365 between each ac line with cold ground. solder the capristors underneath the print and glue them with silicone or hot glue. 3. add a 10nf capacitor cod. ecqm4103jzw in parallel with c805. solder the capacitor underneath the print and glue it with silicone or hot glue. 4. Add an insulated wire jumper between point A13 and tuner ground.
PHILCOTC-29V60 / 33V60
Certain devices present a noise coming from the power supply circuit or the deflection yoke, this in turn can be noticed mainly when the television volume is low, in a silent external environment, it is noticed that the noise increases and decreases depending on the scenes lighter or darker.Changing the power supply transformers t801 - ets39ag115ac t872 - ets29ak1w9ac 2) changing the deflection yoke this yoke cannot be a normal yoke available in stock, so for this change please contact ddg - 0800 55 9180. for information on the procedure to exchange this part.
Retrace lines, screen with excessive brightness, flay-back focus control does not fully work, screen control cannot darken the screen, it only brightens it, and when you try to darken it using this setting, the screen is all blurred with green. channel indicator characters presenting inverted folding together with the sameCapacitor c519 - 4,7uf/450v aberto (seco)
Loss of tune after a few secondsProcedures: a) access the service mode (note the values ​​of the dacs). select functions b8 (for aft) and b9 (for rf agc) and change the values ​​to the factory average values, b8 - 085 b9 - 040.( * ) b) check capacitors c121, c116, c112 and c111 , pin 27 - ic6001(rf-agc) and capacitors c122 and c127, pin 21 - ic1101(afc input). comments: (*) the values ​​given for b8 and b9 in procedure a) cannot be used as standard values, but as average values ​​as each TV has to be pre-adjusted later (the values ​​serve only as a reference, in cases where the values are completely altered.)
PHILCOTC-14/20A8 / TC-14/20A9
Three to four retrace lines at the top of the screen. This symptom occurs when the memory (ic1102 - code s- 24c02adp) is changed or when the memory data is changed.Enter service mode .chq3. and lower the vertical center .vc.
Problem detecting sapInclude the 820kΩ smd resistor r2212. This component is included on the printed circuit board.
Loses color when playing tapes in places with high radio signal interference.The video cassette image loses color in a certain place, even when a tape recorded in NTSC is inserted. the color disappears due to RF interference at the crystal frequency. modifications: 1) remove the mechanism and release the vcr plate from the chassis frame. 2) remove resistor r5601 and short circuit the area. If this doesn't work, do the items below: 3) desolder the c3053 capacitor. 4) insert the 3 pf smd capacitor c3002. 5) add the crystal vsxs0195 in position x3001.
PHILCOTV-21 / 14 G7
Changes on the power supply board phenomenon: fuse f801 blows.Modification: 1-c882=0.047: remove capacitor c882 from its original position and solder it under the board between pins 2 and 4 of ic872 (str83159). Note: position the soldered capacitor under the board so that the capacitor is well away from the board, otherwise the capacitor may pick up interference from the AC power supply. 2-c884: change capacitor c884 from 220µ/16v to 10µ/16v. 3-c854: change capacitor c854 from 220µ/16v to 10µ/16v. 4-r878=3k9//33k: add a 33k resistor (1/5w) in parallel with r878(3k9). 5-r848=3k9//33k: add a 33k resistor (1/5w) in parallel with r848(3k9). 6-change the fuse f801 which is next to the main board selector, from 4a/125v (code ba1c40nu100) to a 4a/220v one (code xbav2c4r0tl35bs). 7- eliminate c844=0.033µ/1000v.
The television turns off intermittently and none of the functions using the panel buttons or the remote control work. When unplugged and plugged in again, the device works for a while longer.Resolder potentiometers r1933 and r1908 on board b. The potentiometer must be removed from the PCI and all glue on the PCI must be cleaned using a hot soldering iron, as the shutdown occurs due to glue conduction.
Firstly, the vertical one is partially closed, and after the technical staff adjusts the vertical height, the device's on screen appears shifted downwards, being cut off at the bottom of the screen. When this defect occurs, the voltages at pin 5 of IC1101 and pin 5 of IC401 go to low level (the device is switched to 50Hz).Replacement of capacitor c1160.
On Philips and JVC video cassettes with the video output in the NTSC (pure) system, the color does not reproduce correctly (the color is flickering).Remove the 1.5m resistor r605.
Changes on the power supply board phenomenon: burnout of resistor r872 caused by fluctuations in mains voltage. (The TV screen may have a smaller image).1- change resistor r872 to 2.7. to 1.5. 2- change the capacitor c884 from 220ƒÊf/16v to 10ƒÊf/16v
PHILCOTC1420C6, TC1420C7 E TC1420C21
Loses tune after a few seconds.Check capacitor c151 according to the code termination of ic601, as below: ic601 code. an5192k-a / c151 = 10nf cod. an5192k-b / c151 = 3.3nf depending on the termination of the ic601 code (a or b), the capacitors must be changed as described above.
On some devices, every time we change the channel, the characters chk appear on the screen after the channel number disappears.In these devices there was an insertion failure in the production line. modification: please check the presence of resistor r1073, and if it is absent, insert it.
Sound distortion.Change capacitor c2304 from 10nf to 47nf
At first there is a reduction in the picture, after some time on the television it turns off and does not turn on again.In places where the current is very low or there are many devices connected to the same socket, the resistor r872 burns and subsequently the capacitor c878 leaks from the power supply. Countermeasure: 1) change the value of the c880 capacitor from 10µf to 1µf. 2) place a diode in parallel with the capacitor c878.
Device without soundBurning of the ic2302 (volume, bass and treble control) the burning of the ic2302 is probably caused by electrostatics. solution: place a ma1150 or bzx79c15t77 zener diode in parallel with the c1166 capacitor, under the board, to protect the ic2302. note:. In every television model tc-29v50b that passes through an authorized workshop for repair, the ma1150 or bzx79c15t77 diode must be installed as a preventive measure, even if it does not have an audio defect.