Results: 14171

PHILIPS Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
Screen closed vertically leftSee ceramic capacitor 27j, code on the board - 9467pardalzito
PHILIPS20PT 3336/78R
When it turned on it was all green and with delay lines and after 5 seconds it turned offGo to the tube socket and check the rgb voltages, everything was ok, I just resoldered the rgb socket and that was it, it was still turning off, I lowered the screen and that was it, tsound was a fileheliomar
Vertical closed,oscillating fly back(buzz at)Open resistor 3445. replace and also replace cap.c 2446, as if it leaks it causes the resistor (fusistor) to burn out.ELETRONICA ESTUDIER
This TV would turn off after 5 seconds but it had normal sound and the image was a bit greenishBroken kinescope socketsamuel3d
It has a power supply, but it doesn't hoscilateR 3425 openLeônidas (Léo) Natal-RN
TV doesn't turn on, power supply inoperativeChanging the photo couplerJoacyr
This TV doesn't turn on, but it makes a noise at the power supplyI took measurements and the b+ has 5 volts. When removing the line transformer, the b+ had 98 volts.I replaced the line transformer, and the TV was like newmauviciu
When I turned on the TV, the LED turned on and off, I couldn't hear the power supply, nor could the line transformer start. measuring voltages, tsound was only 310v on capacitor c2606 and 15v between resistors 3610 and 3613As I suspected from the power supply, I measured the following components resistances 3616 3680 3614, diodes d6610 and 6613. They were all good.Then, with the instructions given to me on the forum, I went to do another analysis and noticed that the 2527 capacitor in front of the transistor was cracked and that an electrolytic capacitor, the 2534, was a little swollen, I removed them and turned on the TV. The line transformer started to generate a noise like something was shorted, I suspected the transistor, when I measured it I saw that it was damaged, I replaced it (but I had already done it before) I installed some new capacitors.mauviciu
Volume worked, but the sound only sounded after number 37 on the volume indicator.I changed the sound output, problem solved.Leônidas (Léo)
Inoperative, power supply in protection mode stand by led blinks faintly.Capacitor 2447 next to the horizontal output transistor short circuited, be careful when this capacitor is short circuited, do not turn on the television without a horizontal load as this may cause damage to the yoke (deflector)Replace the capacitor and observe the 1k 3454 resistor in parallel with the yoke (deflector)WAGGUINHO
Inoperative, power supply completely stopped, no voltage at the outputs.Capacitor c2550 (331x1kv) short circuited.Replace the defective component and the device returned to normal operation. If the device keeps turning off in faster times, replace the diode in parallel with the one mentioned and replace the capacitor with one of 471x2kv as this improves the diode's dissipation.WAGGUINHO
PHILIPSL6.1 14PT1353
Stand by LED lights up, does not startDiode 6420, also check vertical 7401, 7402spda
When connecting with colored lines and then with retraction - c2460 polyester, c2465 electrolytic verticalC2460 replaced, depending on the symptom state replaces
Turns on only when it drizzles and turns off in 5 secondsTunermatieski
DeadContacts in the 1822 connector shorted (torn with damage to the tracksReconnected and replaced r 3448 (1Ω) device started working againmiguelito
The device turns on and then enters protection mode.Open or short-circuited speakers or the output c.i. is faultyDisconnect the audio amplifier connectors then turn on the device, it should work, check the speakers, if they are open or short circuited or altered, replace them with original ones checking the characteristics, if the speakers are normal, replace the c.i amplifier.WAGGUINHO
When turned on, normal image, however it turned off after 30 seconds.Transistor 7461- bc337 with low gainAs a complement, check voltage and capacitance of c 2561 (100mf 160v), replacing if necessary.OLIBIO ESTUDIER
Image shifted to the right with a dark bar on the left sideResistor 3404
Image folded on the right sideC2455
High power supplyR3348 amended