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Samsung Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
Turns on and then turns off and there is only soundI changed the capacitor you suggested, it was great, I solved the problem and I'm not even a technician, thank you very muchCelson
On, 3 seconds off; warming up r424 6.7km scheme 200k but no chassis 6.7k abl line 8817Abl with 160v normal was for 9 or 6 v; it was a track d r202 n line d abl changing voltage burning r424Shave trail p n vasa but high current p ablmarcos melo cascavel ce
Power supply does not oscillate +b zeroCheck the two 33k resistors on the regulator start pinMaster Eletronica
Volume bar does not workSwap memoryMemorymaurijunior
No shine just soundC410Replace c410 of 470μF x 25v close to the fly backRoberto Consertos
No sound volume bar does not workBut resetBut resetELETRONICA MAURI JUNIOR
With interference on the screen and does not pick up AV channels, no image and soundC232 2,2x50vC232ELETRONICA MAURI JUNIOR
Running away from tune (image goes in and out)Varicap power resistors (+33v)Replace r829,839,831(15k-1,2w)Marcelo Jose
Reduced frame on the sides with distortions on both sides of the menuQ 404(9d5n20p) exchange the sameThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Going out of tuneChange c.1015,100/16v above varicapjps eletr.c.grande
Black screen with characters100k open r423thejotta
Turns on and off, it always beeps when it starts and then goes off.La7845 verticalReplace for newfunkey
Image distorted and was sometimes black and whiteCause cap.246 2.2/50v note I put a 4.7/50v onefrancisco.s
It doesn't turn on, the standby LED keeps flashingChanged power supply capacitors, c=109/c=110, both 1000mf/10 vIf, by chance, c=109/110 has been replaced and it still doesn't turn on, replace the rest of the power supply capacitors, which are c=107/111/114, in short, all in the power supply area.geraflorem
Intermittent on and offVoltage regulator from 13 to 5vReplace the regulatorTil Mirto
Dark screen.Measuring the screen I found 140 voltsI replaced the 508 capacitor in the tube socket, the voltage returned to normal. and we jumped for joy!!!Eletronica Casa Dos Monitores Itumbiara ltda
Turns on, turns off by itselfShort verticalReplace ci do verticalThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This TV arrived here with a strange chirping noise as if it were on the flaybak, I tested the capacitors around the flaybak and everything was ok, then I noticed some sparks in the deflector, which killed the defect.This deflector doesn't sell new, so I put a CCE deflector but it doesn't open all the way and there's a finger missing from the top and bottom.Then open the service mode [ when the TV is on standby press the control; mute,182,power that will turn on in service mode and just regulate and exit for hugeletronica rosa de saron aracaju - se / Daniel levita
TV only worked in black and whiteSolution and do a factory reset on itWith the ATV in standby, press the mute button on the remote control and then type 182 and press power, it goes into service mode, after that, just reset the TV and it's back to normal.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Luminous point in the center of the tube when switching offD504 diode connected to g1 of the leaking tubeDiode code tvr10gJOSÉ GUSMÃO