Results: 87440

Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
High pitched squeal, mechanicalUnit manifested a high pitched squeal during play. the noiseappeared mechanical since it did not come through the line or headphoneoutputs.
No fast forward - rew okUnit will not fast forward. appears as though plastic leverinstalled at factory was still hot and it warped.
Intermittent playback videoBad solder on pins 28, 29, 30 of ic-202.
Part number for the holdown jig is incorrectly listed in s/mThe holder jig j2000002a is not registered in kcp or this part number correct? can the jig from the dtc-1000 j8000002a beused or is this jig different since this deck is at an angle? -hq comments: the part number is incorrectly listed in the se
Will not accept the diskDoes x-212-382-51 item number 1 (holder assembly) include thecoil.
Laser does not come onLaser would not come on. replaced the block because saw 1.2vat collector of power control transistor q7 when play was pressed butnever saw 2v therefore thought q7,ic1, and micro were good since changeoccured when play pressed. problem same after new bl
Display pcb dislodgedDisplay pcb becomes unseated from plastic clips that hold the lower edge of the board, causing no operation of several buttons on the front panel.
Shuts down when record button is pushedUnit would shutdown when record button was pushed.
Display pcb dislodgedDisplay board becomes unseated from plastic clips that hold the lower edge of the pcb, causing no operation of several buttons on the front panel.
Display pcb dislodgedDisplay pcb becomes unseated from plastic clips that hold thelower edge of the board. this causes no operation of several buttons onthe front panel.
Display pcb dislodgedDisplay pcb becomes unseated from plastic clips that holdlower edge, causing no operation of several buttons on the front panel.
Display pcb dislodgedDisplay pcb becomes unseated from plastic clips that holdlower edge, causing no operation of several buttons on the front panel.
Set keeps turning on and off, replaced q-651Set would come up and then go into shutdown at one secondintervals. power supply voltages followed this pattern. found highleakage c-b of q-651.
Does not recordUnit playback ok with pre-recorded tape. would not record aftsignal. signal on pin 1 of ic-006 on v1-43 board was good but not pre-sent at pin 8. changed ic signal came up very little but still notcorrect. checking other pins, found pin 2 never chang
No vtr functionUnit has camera functions but vtr is dead. will not eject orload and if manually loaded will not function at all.
Part number error for s501 and s502On fu-72 board the part numbers for s-501 (eject) switch ands-502 (rem. pwr.) switch are reversed.
Ic-51 has the wrong part description, see supplement # 4Service manual indicates part as bx-1393 (8-749-900-36).servicer finds this part will not fit. actual part in unit is cbx-1618-51(8-741-100-62). has there been a production change? -hq comments: your servicer is correct. tokyo is issuing a serviceman
Indication of component location on fprsIt is frustrating not being able to quickly locate a componentlisted in a field problem report. since the report only describes thereference, number a tech still has to spend time to locate the componenton the schematic or the board. -hq comments: this
White balance adjustmentsWhen doing the white balance adjustment in this unit (not thepreset adjustment), be sure to use the c14 color filter.
White balance adjustmentsWhen doing the white balance adjustment in this unit (notpreset adjustment), always remember that it should be done with the c14color filter on.