Search: Daewoo
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Daewoo Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
Death or slovly startChange c014 (1uf/50v) in switch power.
Upper half of vertical sweep folded and with a bright spot.Leaky diode d105, replaced. It may have been caused by capacitor c105 (100uf, 16v) ​​which was found to be shorted.
Green led onlyC506(330uf16v) loptx=line output transformer (flyback) loptr=line output transistor
Blue image, no signal...See if the power is reaching the video ci check the low value resistors of less than 10Ω. I replaced the lm1281 ci and it was resolved.
UnfocusedFlyback (adapted a focus kit)