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LG Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
Doesn't startSolution 1replace 3 capacitors on the power supply, but it still doesn't turn on and 3v arrives at the power button. solution 2: bios rewrite
LG 60PN6500
Plate andMissing 18 v (pulsating)Fets with fuca and this activates the protection....measure in x1 and 10k one by with good fet...what will you find....I found several from 42 to 60 inches!ACTV ELETRÔNICA
LG 50PJ350
Plate andMissing 18v (it keeps pulsing)Tsound is a leaky fet....this triggers the protection...measure in x1 and 10k fet per with good'll find it...I've already found several from 42 to 60 inches. ...the 18v are generated by y for the controller and for the z-sus boardACTV ELETRÔNICA
LG 42PN4600
18v is missing (pressing) on ​​the plate andThe 18v goes from y to the other boardsIs tsound a leaky fet...measure fet by fet at x1 and with good fets...I managed to find several 42 and 60 inch plasmas....if tsound is something wrong, the y board goes into protection !ACTV ELETRÔNICA
No audio on AV and RFTV without audio on AV and RF. check the 0.1 uf ceramic capacitor on pin 13naelson silva pe.
S-protectionZD914 power supply zener diode shorted.Replace and run for the hug!Duarte
Turns on dark screen after changing several cracked diodes or oxidation TV turned on and after a while it drizzled but with the screen closing on the side no character appeared and did not obey the remote control cause it was dz 412 close to the memoryD 501,d502,d405,d22 e dz412Replace all mainly dz412Rogério TV
TV turns on but backlight doesn't light upWithout 3.3v on q405 on the main board, 1k resistor r419 damagedReplace the resistor and the 3.3v appearsPOWERTERCH
The stand-by LED lights up but does not turn on. When you press power it blinks but doesn't turn on.10v 3300uf capacitor swollen at the power supply.Just replace and run for the hug.RYK
League with white screenCi i7924lp shorted, heating too muchReplace it and that's itConserta Smart
Grainy imageQ11e r529 and r 528 to and above
When cold, it doesn't turn on, the stand by LED keeps oscillating1.3v dc converter ic403 mp2212dn only gives a voltage spike at start-up then stabilizes and changes anywayDivino Moura
Dark screen with retrace lines, no image and no menu characters.Diode in4148 was open in position d405Replace with another diode in4148Jamerson
Blurred imageResistor set down r729 2r2 2w abertoReplacing the resistorTECCENTER
Sometimes it calls, sometimes it doesn't. turns off blacklight after a few hoursProbable failure in the main IC. changed the main, resolvedReplaced main board and resolved
Low audio.35v missing.Replace dz901 (with leak), if that doesn't work, place a 1mf/50v capacitor connecting to pins 3e4 of the pc901, respecting the polarization.Eletrônica FBS
When turned on, the green LED flashes 20 times and then returns to standbyIt was already showing this defect but after several attempts it turned on now it just blinksI want to knowEletrônica silva
Doesn't startC102 of 331k 1kv at power supply blown and fuse open.Just replace it and check if tsound is a short.Victor Cesar
Working without audioC 904 with cold solder, q905 and q906 shorted as well as fuse f911Resoldering of capacitor c904, replacement of transistors q905 and q906 and fuse f911Adão Rosa
Doesn't startSmd 2305 capacitor shorted next ic8100ReplaceEletrônica FBS