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LG Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
Turning off after a few secondsIc904, sn431. check components in that line!Eletrônica Cecé, Brumadinho mg
LG42LV345C 42LV3500 42LV3700 32LV3500
No image, just white horizontal bands. When disconnecting one side of the t-con flat, that half of the screen turns white. the same happens on the other side.It makes you think it's a screen defect but tsound was no oxidation on the flats and no heating of the screen flats.The defect is in the t-con. the ic boils! replace and run for the hug!PL ELETRÔNICA
Turns on, all functions work, but when inputting a video signal, tsound is a black screen (no image)Flash rom data corrupt (u402)Rewrite the flash memory and it works normally again.PRO PC ELETRÔNICA E INFORMÁTICA
Blue imageChange capacitors on the main board. In this model, the capacitors end up drying out over time.Rmseletronica
Activates the av, but it doesn't come in.Dido zener zd 505, shv em tsurtoJosé delta line
Turns on with the screen almost off and a reduced frameLow secondary power supply and 180v from pin 2 of the flyback giving 82v4k7 resistor r844 replaced to 6k1 Just replace it and run for the hug!JOCIMÁRIO
When turning on, the audio on the HDMI input fails and improves after 3 minutes, it is perfectCapacitor c824 47uf/16v on the main board close to the crystal, replace.Replacement, can be 100μF.José Dias
The logo appears and turns off, it remains in this intermittent process.Corrupted epromRewrite the epromRenan
Turns on normally, after a while it turns off for no apparent reasonPhoto couplerReplaced and solved the problemEletrônica Renascer
It takes a while to turn on, when it does turn on it takes a while to accept volume, channel, etc. commands... it doesn't tune channels.D23 change without measuring.jr_TEC
Turns on normally, but the radio, CD, USB doesn't work and tsound's no sound coming out of the output, it just makes the speakers click.Dsp in short ic501- mlc3700a I replaced it, it worked, usb, radio cd, but no audio comes out, I checked the circuit board near the dsp ps9860 heating up a lot, I decided to replace it for the new one, solved, sound comes out at the outputsDefect resolvedCarlos
Turns on normally, but the radio, CD, USB doesn't work and tsound's no sound coming out of the output, it just makes the speakers click.Dsp in short ic501- mlc3700a I changed it, it worked, usb, radio cd and sound comes out of the outputsDefect resolvedAndre
It doesn't turn on, the LED doesn't light up.Corrupted (oxidized) track on the power supply board. This track carries power (key 0) between the main board and the sensor board.After recovering the trail everything was ok.George Pontes
Tsound is no sound (audio) in the speakers..Lack of power supply pin 7 of ic901 ........ replace q901 .. and pc901 (photoa..)`º¿º'Alextecnico
Break and cut. try breaking twice and turn off the LED. The Q16 was removed, the vertical was replaced and nothing.R816 and runs for the hug ................JK Eletrônica PE
LG50PG30TR EAX42062803(0)
Blurred and distorted image also applies to 42 inchesCapacitors c1038 and c1044 both exhausted 100uf 16vReplace them, common electrolytics fit.. if it doesn't work out, also replace the c1019 47μF 16vFlávio SBC, SP 11 947182971
Doesn't start at allPower supply board, ic 921 shortBefore repairing the power supply also check the outputs, one of them was shorted which caused the power supply to burn out, sound protection does not always prevent this type of problem.PATRICK
Sometimes it calls, sometimes it doesn't, it calls whenever it wants.Zd902 (6v2)The zener diode was giving 2v being 6v2.Vander CDs de Quixadá - CE
Turns on standby, does not turn on the lampsMain board shorted on the processor, reballing solved the problem.lojas trovarelli
Doesn't start at allC5608 in KurdishReplace itMARCELIO DREISSIG