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PHILIPS Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
White screen, without retractions.Check changed resistor 3229 (1m). *29Aug96 fr*
Noisy or crunching soundCheck changed resistor 3923 n(82Û).* 23jan98 jpba *.
Just tune in to channel 2.Check changed resistor 3958 (18k). * 21Aug96 ctr *. If eeprom is replaced, perform tuning recording. * 28Aug96 anc *. check resistors 3961, 3962, 3963. * 29ago96 jpba *.
Tuner with little gainCheck saw filter (1110) tuner 1100 and capacitor 2204 (2.2uf). * 31Jul96 anc *.
Intermittent synchronism.Check that there are no deflector coil cables (horizontal) close to the crystal, if this occurs the crystal stops oscillate. * 10jun97 anc *.
No voltage (vo, +b, hvt, etc.).+5v, possible short, check eprom 7997 (x2402) or microprocessor. * 23Sep96 anc *. check defects for tens2. * 31mar97 anc *.
No sound. (with or without image for TV, VCR).Only at the maximum indication does the sound appear, see capacitor 2979. * 29Aug96 jo *. check open resistor 3219. * 02Apr97 fr *. ic7977 (eeprom). 03Sep98 al142*
Without tune.Leakage in both transistors 7101/7100 (bc558). * Oct 95 BC. check the power supply voltage (+70), when low there is no switching, as the plus +12 is insufficient to guarantee the conduction of one of the switching transistors (7100 or 7101) therefore I am
No VHF tuning.Changed 6100 diode (9v1). *oct 95 anc*.
No tuning in uhf.Check band transistor 7101 (bc558),or diode 6101 changed. * 18Jul96 BC *.
No vertical sync (vert5).Remove the existing glue between r3415, 3417 and c2415. *03Sep98 al142*
Without horizontal synchronization.Check with an oscilloscope on pin 34 of the integrated 7200 (3.57mhz), if ok: see resistors: 3226, 3232, 3248; capacitors: 2218, 2219, 2232, 2256, 2291 or integrated 7200 with wrong or defective "mask". if pulse is not ok: see crystal 1208
No vertical linearity.Possibility of altered capacitor 2419. * 25Jul96 BC *
No width (no hor deflection) vertical risk.Capacitor 2515 open. * nov 95 ctr *. multiple components damaged, due to printed tracks open, below jumps 9604 and 9320. * 13nov95 anc *. diode 6203, leaky. * 20Dec95 ctr *. cold solder in 2509. * 28Aug96 ctr *.
No SoundResistor 3923 (82Û). * 02out96 jpba *.
Frame varies with brightnessResistor 3556 (1k) open. * 02Oct96 jpba *.
Searches but cannot find (barr3/sint3).Resistor 3965 (560k). * 02out96 jpba *.
Bright spot when turning off or stains.Check resistor 3555 (27k) and 3701 (180k). 19Jul96 BC. Note: this phenomenon generally occurs after some time off, if it happens right after turning it off, it could be the kinescope.
Horizontal oscillator does not start.Measure +16v power supply, when below 11v the circuit oscillator does not start, check 2351 (220uf) and resistor 3326 (1k8) changed. * 29Aug96 anc *.
There are no colorsCracked printed track below jump 9253. * 15mai96 anc *. check sinc3 information for gr1va. * 1st Apr97 anc *. check sand castle line: 2509, 3506, 6506, 3505, 3239, 2252, 7207, 7200, 6415. 03Apr97 anc *. check diode 620