Results: 87430

Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
Vertical jump using vcr, leaky c-1734There was a vertical jump in the picture using vcr playback.
No bar display, replace ic-101No bar display on screen.
Incorrect operation of disc drawerOn power-up spindle chassis would drop and carousel wouldspin, but drawer would also open half way and then close. also, whenchanging from disc to disc, drawer would again open half way and thenclose. otherwise, unit worked correctly.
Incorrect voltages in service manualThe voltages around ic-401, q-407 etc. in the power supplyappear incorrect. if they are incorrect, what should they be? -hq comments: pin 1 = 1.36v, 2 = .92, 3 = 1.74, 4 = 1.2, 5 = 5.72, 6 =0, 7 = 0, 8 = 9.76, 9 = 0, 10 = 3.57, 11 = 2.54, 12 = 1.28, 13
Dust on screen, replaced screenDust on screen.
Lens hood, lens cap and grip belt part numbersThe part numbers for the lens hood, lens cap and grip belt areas follows: description part number lens hood 3-730-741-01 lens cap 3-730-742-01 grip belt 3-730-743-01 -hq comments: a
Tuning dial for fd-35aDetroit ssc has received four cabinet assemblies (front) andthe tuner dial is missing. there is no part number for dial so i assumethis should be part of the cabinet. could you please check into this?thanks. -hq comments: tuning indicator is included
Cnp901 line out cableCannot identify part number for cable between jack board andmain board. two versions - older units (serial no. 17627) have a single8-pin connector for the jack board and dual 3-pin (5-pin connectors) forthe main board. newer units (serial no. 22395) ha
No color e-e in camera modeNo color from camera section and line in. all other functionsworked properly. found q-360 not switching properly. it would not toggleic-365 on ic-364. camera 5v out of dc-dc converter was just low enough tokeep q-362 on about 3.7vdc. this in turn wo
No camera luminanceNo luminance coming from camera section. pin 36 of ic-801had no luminance signal, all dc voltages were correct and all signals toic-801 were present - yh, b-y, r-4 and yl-yh. changed ic-801 still noluminance.
Line across top of screen, ag holder, no solutionThe outside tech in costa mesa informed me of customerscomplaining about the three band that hold the aperture grille fromoscillating. the problem is the customer can see the top line from adistance of 7 to 8 feet. the tech has been out to four custome
No horizontal sync in camera positionNo horizontal sync in camera position.
Noisy when breakingNoisy when breaking. take-up-table gear teeth were worn out.
No video out from lineNo video out, when line input is used, pin no. 8 on ic-701 isdead.
Cover will not snap onto frame/missing indentationsCover (3-323-287-01) will not stay snapped onto frame(3-323-218-01). frame does not have indentations like original to acceptand hold cover. -hq comments: i am checking with tokyo to see if there were two chassisand covers.
D-509 wrong on new mcb jackCdx-a20 in for smashed mcb jack and back. replaced mcb andback. noticed elevator ran slow.
Unit accepts no commandsUnit powers up but accepts no commands. fr-27 and ts-64circuit boards corroded.
No picture/white lines at the bottom of the picture, r552No picture, high voltage ok - white lines at the bottom of the picture.
No drum rotationUnit loads tape capstan turns, but the drum does not. thetape is then brought to the half loaded position and all commands aredisabled except eject.
Dead ampFuse 1 blown no power. replaced fuse had power but no audio.found emitters of q-511, q-512 had 55 volts on them - and were shortedfrom emitter to base.