Results: 87420

Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
Intermittent picture, replaced ic-6006This unit had intermittent muted video (no raster) whentapping on ic6006 or ic6008. the picture would flash to black.
No display, open l101Unit had no on screen display. found l101 open.
Breaks tapes on ejectThe unit breaks or streaks the tape on eject. we found theproblem to be caused by guide number 8. the guide was severely pinchingthe tape. this of course lead to excessive take up torque. surprisinglythe unit worked fine in pb and rec. readjustment
Poor color, b and g wires to c board reversedThe unit had fairly good b/w but the color picture definitelyindicated that there was some sort of demodulator problem. it was notpossible to obtain the correct color bar display - no yellow or magentaand the red, blue and green were misplaced. the ser
Unit intermittently changes channel indicationIntermittently the channel indication on the display tubewould change. eg. if channel 11 was tuned in, intermittently the displaywould read 123 and then change back to 11. there was no change in videoor audio information. we found the rqst, data and c
Absence of video, rotated yokeComplaint was absence of video, raster was ok. please notethat if anyone has replaced the picture tube on these units and acci-dentally installed the yoke 180 degrees out of position, the receiver willnot produce video.
No raster - no remote control function - sleep light onNo raster - no remote control function - sleep light on.first checked for raster by turning screen control up, raster was visible,checked voltages at a-13 5v was low, checked q251 ok checked q251 leaky.
Vertical lines and video collapsed, replaced yokeAt turn on a 2 wide bar appeared on the screen with verticalretrace lines. scoped pin 2 of ic501 on d board the vertical pulse had alot of noise and pin 5 read 6v. checked all components in the area andused freeze spray unit ok for about 5 min. traced
Replacement of display drive pc board assSeveral cdx-r7s with cracked etchings on the display drivepcb assys. particularly right at the solder connections to the display(front panel) pcb. the face plate cannot be removed more than once or theflex cable breaks due to the angle at which it must
Shut down in play modeUnit would shut down intermittently in play, ff and rew ok.
Tape damage from capstan overrunUnit would intermittently eat tapes after on index search ofcue/review. capstan motor would overrun and spill tape. observed amomentary low on pin 3 of ic505 (pwm gen) on ss-53 board would causecapstan motor to overspeed. this would continue even if t
Adjustment method is incorrectAdjustment method in manual is incorrect, regarding forwardtorque, p176, section 3-14. the correct version may be found in thesl-hft7 manual. sl-hf450 manual lists wrong connector and pin numbers. -hq comments: we will issue a supplement on this matte
Black lines in pictureTwo diagonal lines black in picture during playback of self-recorded tapes. unit connected to monitor via bmc-j88u jig for testing.
Tv volume cannot be controlled with rm-u880Tv volume cannot be controlled with rm-u880 unicommander.even with system selector set to tv it outputs command for audio systemvolume up/dn. customers are complaining about this shortcoming. address-ing this is merely a matter of changing code bits wh
Unit scratches compact disc while playingOne of three supporting pins does not go down intermittently,when disc is in for play. also rubbing the disc gently while playing, itdoes not affect any playing disc. ten customers with new discs have roundscratches in the middle of circumference. eve
No display or outputNo display or output. all power supply voltages appearnormal.
Intermittent no reverse playThis unit would intermittently attempt to go into reverseplay when reverse play button was pushed, but would then go into forwardplay. this would happen about every 4 attempts at reverse play. found#360 missing.
Possible modification of existing circuitryPicture brightness varies with program content/material(random intermittently). maybe weak sync tips/levels (only on cablechannel 25 scrambled cable channel), request permission to modifycircuitry only if advised by engineering. also magenta bar on the
Noise bar in low bandUnit had buzz in sound and a horizontal bar floating throughpicture. traced problem to -20 volt line, very high ripple. thisvoltage is used in the band select. only channels 2-6 were affected,high band okay.
Centering cap breakingThe centering cap and compression spring in the middle of discturntable fall out of place. the symptom is either the disc tray will notmove or the disc will not spin. the problem is the plastic legs that aresupposed to provide spring tension to hold th