Results: 87419

Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
Wind screenWe have been getting a lot of request for the wind screenwhich detaches from the mic. will a part number be issued for the windscreen? -hq comments: a s/b will be issued for the following models: ccd-v8 2-536-720-01 ccd-m8u x-2536
Snowy pictureSnowy picture, receives no channels.
No audio or motor operationNo audio or tape operation but am and fm appeared to function.found q302, q304, q402, q404, q501 and q601 muting. this was due to ic701pin 19 in mute state (2.5v). when checking b+ to ic701, it was only 2.5v.found q702 collector to be 0v. this is the
Beep tone errorWhen out button pressed, beep tone error produced.
Board mod. to unit under test: lcg-396/kv-1311cr (rgb mode)Rgb modified lcg-396 will not work with kv-1311cr or cpdunits. no sync, or blanking occurs.
Unit will not open condo doorUnit will not open condo door through the digit #9. pls letus know why and what should be done. -hq comments: this condition is presently under investigation. toevaluate the problem, we need info on the control network used in thecondominiums.
Scan on fm stops 0.1 point short of stationScan on fm stops 0.1mhz short of station. have to turnmanual scan to get on station. have tried adjusting ct701. -hq comments: adjust controller frequency for 100mhz +/- 3khz. if youcan not adjust for 100 mhz +/-3khz, ic701 may be broken. also check
No operationUnit would thread w/o cassette. threading motor would notturn off at threading end. commands (play, etc) were accepted (led wouldlight) but no operation. after 8 sec unit would go into shutdown, witheject light on. servicer had previously replaced ic
Need p/n for strap and battery holderWe need p/n of shoulder strap and battery holder used in thebetamovie system case. -hq comments: these parts are not available separately. sales has afew extra parts which i will send to you.
Eject malfunctionI have received six or so xr740/780compartment. on none of them could i find a defect. after unjamming tapeand resetting the mechanism, all functions are okay. it seems that thewhite cam gear (#383) hangs up while moving the power plate assy (#371)for
Poor vertical lockingGood pix and sync with network broadcast, but with vcr output,poor vertical lock, intmt blanking of pix. found reduced amplitude ofcomp. video at output of u board (u-10). signal reduced by 1/3 between band e of q822 buffer, but q822 ok.
Color distortedTwo units same week. i think this is part of master color problem. ic708, cp-9 bd (sync gen) also replaced.
Correct p/n - stopper, retainerRequest correct p/n for above ref #, manual incorrect. -hq comments: items #9 & #10 are reversed on the exploded view. there-fore, item #9 on the part # list (p/n 3-315-929-31 ornament (b) reel) isthe one you are requesting. see tape recorder s/b #19
Intermittent memory, wrong memory in present, no output1) intmt loss of memory @ powered 2) occasionally a stationnumber would show up @ turn on that was not in preprogrammed memory andhad not previously been selected 3) fm high/low switch inoperative 4)@ turn on, unit had no output until a button (any on
No videoCircuit board broken on b board underneath of cnj401 alltraces broken. this is the second set with the same symptoms, and alsod416, 417, 418 went bad.
Poor vertical sync, replaced ic201Poor vertical sync on tv operation. a/v input ok. found weakvideo signal at cf201, but dc voltages checked ok on ic201.
No high voltage, replace hdt and flybackSet would come on without pressing power button. no high vol-tage. blew c540. measured 500v d507 192v line. changed flyback. sameproblem, again. blew c540. incorrect waveform at base of q502. changedhorizontal drive transformer. set came on and
No fm/amUnit came from dealer with no fm or am. first found crystalbad. replacing crystal restored am but still no fm. data transfer toic204 looked good. checked pin 11 ic204 and found no fm reference.q103 local osc transistor was checked and found good yet
Unknown partNo part number for lever holder located in 4b on page 54. -hq comments: the part number for the lever is 3-563-469-00.
Modification to include flying erase headIndustrial model, gcs-50 contains flying erase head forediting. customer would like to modify his sl-hf900 to include samecircuitry. is this possible? -hq comments: no gcs-50 contain completely different boards thansl-hf900, including if-11 board whic