Results: 87418

Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
Both sides of tape are heardBoth sides of tape can be heard regardless of forward orreverse play mode.
Dead, resolder t-501gDead. set does not turn on at all. no signal at base ofhoriz. out. q504. however, there is signal at q503 collector.
Shut downCustomer had unit into fsc four times for regulator failure.found hvr assy cracked. set has been operating for three months withoutfurther failure of regulator.
No drum rotationNo drum rotation. signals reaching drum drive ic.
Power on/off ok, all other functions inoperative1) power on, drum rotates for approx. 10 sec, then eject ledblinks. all buttons inoperable. 2) capstan motor would not rotate, unitwould only thread/unthread. this occurred after repair 1) was performed.
Rewind button inoperative1) rewind and review inoperative using rew button (p/b ok).after cue (ff button) is released, unit automatically enters review mode.2) p/b picture noisy.
Tape jammed intermittentlyMotor intermittently won't start unless rotated manually.
Playback jitter and noiseCleaned, no help.
Pins bent on 24 pin connectorPins 23 and 24 were bent. -hq comments: pins 23 and 24 are not used on the multipin connector.the recommended solution if pins 23 and 24 are bent is to cut them off atthe base.
Intermittent no functionOsc change frequency.
No ejectFrozen motor.
Non manual autoreverseUnit will auto reverse at the end of the tape but not whenthe front panel buttons are pushed.
Playback picture unstable after 1 - 2 hoursAfter approx. 1 to 2 hours of operation drum and capstanservos would become erratic. picture would jump from side to side andtracking noise would appear. also, capstan would not run at all. inter-mittent capstan (from play or rec mode) would cause shu
Rewind problemClose inspection of enclosed upper drum revealed a slightimperfection (marked). replaced again ok.-hq comments: we will evaluate this sample and inform you of our results.
Static after 10 to 30 minsUnit has static after warm-up.
No ejectUnit came in with tape jammed inside. i found that the unitwould not unthread, it would play fastforward and rewind.
Shut down after 5 secondsThis particular unit was going into shutdown. after 5 secondsof play, the unit performed all function for that 5 seconds. the onlytime the unit worked without shutting down was on still.
Noise in audio on quiet scenesCustomer complains about background noise from auto focus andmechanism. cs-5 board changed. -hq comments: due to the proximity of the microphone to the focus andzoom motors, acertain amount of noise is unavoidable during quiet scenes.reducing the gain
Wrong motor coil wiringMotor coil wiring is wrong for l152-2 on hook up/board layoutpages. this coil is shown connected out of phase. copy of page 40/41 ofcdp-102 manual attached. note corrected copy. -hq comments: confirmed the wiring of l152-2 should be crossed as youfou
Cross talkThis unit had bad cross talk on both channels. the outputsfrom the band pass filters was not clean. bpf-801/802/901/902 wereall bad.