Results: 87416

Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
DeadNo picture or sound when power was turned on. this symptomoccurred when unit was cold or after setting for several hours.
Dead, replaced ic001Set would turn on but no function could be activated. if youpush for example ch. up it would immediately change 2 or 3 channels thenwould come back to the ch. it was on just before last turn off.
Dead, replaced ic001Set would turn on but no function could be activated. if youpush for example ch. up it would immediately change 2 or 3 channels thenwould come back to the ch. it was on just before last turn off.
Missing r602Servicer found r602 missing from board. looked like it wasnever soldered, as the holes were clean.
Intermittent shut down, replaced h stat control unitOccasional slight arcing could be heard and set would inter-mittently go into high voltage shut down condition. inspection of h-statcontrol unit showed cracks in the plastic housing around the bottom cornerwhere one of the ground leads exists the unit.
Retrace lines on the screen, replace ic502Set had 6 or 7 retrace lines at top of the screen. i foundthat by cooling ic502 the lines disappeared.
Intermittent channel change by itself, q007Intermittently self initiates rapid channel changing.
Beat interference, normalBeat interference visible on the screen during low vhf bandoperation. the beat pattern is composed of individual dots such as onewould see from digital interference. it only shows up on a weak rabbitear signal. it is the second harmonic of the power s
Intermittent horiz. whistleThis unit had a very intermittent horiz. whistle. we foundt502 to be vibrating.
Intermittent loss of pictureHighly intermittent loss of picture and sound leaving onlygray raster. loss would be from seconds to hours with no patterndetectable.
No channel tuningUnable to tune channels 2 and 4, found vc drive transistorq101 leaky, unable to bring voltage lower than 9vdc.
Jail bars on the screenVery dark jail bar pattern on screen. bars were so dark that they blank picture where they were. found horizontal pulses onthe +12v line at pin 10 of ic301, and discovered leaky c323.
No sound, replaced ic-3010No sound, found switch voltage (4vdc) reading 1.5vdc onic3010.
Mis-convergenceExtreme mis-convergence on left and right sides of the screen(for about ten inches).
Picture fades out when external audio plugged in, d1206Picture fades out when external audio plugged in. r675 openon ga board, r02 burnt on u1 board, q1343 and r1409 open on bd board.replaced these parts. video would fade out when audio plugged to eitherext. input or multi-connector, measured 8.5 to 9.1 vd
Dead, replaced diode on "k" boardEvp-1 ckt operational, shutting down pps. replaced open r675.unit produced raster. hooked up a vtx-1000r. unit smoked and went dead.r675 open again, q1343 open, r02 on u-1 board burned. replaced all parts.unit again functional. however it was found
Shut down, replaced q652 on "ga" boardEither horiz. scan comes up and goes immediately to horiz.shutdown or does not come on at all. voltage on q108 relay drive base lowand relay will not activate when transistor completely shorted prior togoing bad would come up and shutdown within 3 secon
Poor picture, adj vhf agcPoor picture on cable busy background.
No picture, replaced q502No picture, high pitch squeal.
No picture, replaced fbt and q502No high voltage. flyback shorted causing horiz. output tofail.