Results: 3754

SAMSUNG Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
Turns on without backlight, PFC 380v ok, after changing the caps. secondary did not turn onCapacitor with bad insulation, ok capacitance 474nf, but faulty voltage (c1832) supply 1st transformerMoraes
No imageCheck 4 diodes na y-sus zd5016, zd5017, zd5023, zd5024ibramo
No sound at outputRd6 e rd1Matias ERP
Does not turn on or st by lights upPrimary power supply zener diode dz 813 shorted.Primary power supply zener diode dz 813 shortedJR tec
Does not accept functions/commands only from the remote control, the TV keyboard works normallyWhen taking voltage measurements on the control board, the IR pin had a voltage oscillating from 1.4v to 1.8v.Defect in ic1201, after taking all measurements of IR line components. The only thing left was the ic1201 as a defect, after changing the ic, the IR voltage stabilized at 3v3 and started accepting commands via the remote control again.EC
Does not accept functions/commands only from the remote control, the TV keyboard works normallyWhen taking voltage measurements on the control board, the IR pin had a voltage oscillating from 1.4v to 1.8v.EC
Sem backlight, as normalAt first we thought it was a burnt out backlight, but in the end it was working 100%, the defect was caused by a smd 334 (330k) resistor that is positioned right next to the backlight power plug, it is between the cn1401 plug and the fet q1401. the resistor in question was damaged, just change it.Check the resistor in question and replace it if its characteristics have replaced.EC
Connect everything else without imageDefect was cd10 on the vcon changed it was just removed<small>This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.</small>
White image with retraction line and cushion effect200v track starting between d407 and j252MEO-ELETRÔNICO Cajupiranga (RN)
It works but the back light doesn't come on. replacement of the ICD801, DD850, QD850 on the power supply PCI.Icd801-oz9998bng , dd850-sr210 , qd850 10l01 (mosfet).It worked perfectly after replacing the components described. I used the 15l01 instead of the 10l01 and it worked very well. This TV monitor is using the bn44-00448b or bn98-03094b board.Ferrarini
Loses image after a few seconds leaving only the soundLamps turn off after a while due to protection being armedPut a 10k resistor from pin 15 to the ground of the oz9966sn on the inverter board!Lucas
Dead sign boardDiodo zener do +b 3,3v em curtoReplace zener d901 prox power supply connectoredmilsompimentel
Sometimes it called, sometimes it took a long time to call3v3 that feeds the eprom with 4v5v, right, it would be 3.3vReplace the regulator IC on the IC806 signal PCI.edmilsompimentel
12 volts pulsatingFet qm855, put a 120k resistor from gate to groundRafael's tipHP ELETRONICA
12 volts pulsatingCm855 fet, place a 120k resistor from gate to groundHP ELETRONICA
Turns on, lights up LED bus and turns off, no image, stays in this loopI saw several videos trying to isolate the cause with the famous tape on the flat, that procedure of searching until you find a point that releases the display short and the TV releases the image.I couldn't do it that way, because the short was in the first left flat, that is, looking at the TV lying on the counter with the screen down, the flat that was preventing the TV from working was the first one on the left side. on the left side vcon board tsound is the test point "vgh", the track of this vgh that goes to this flat was cut and the TV worked perfectly without any scratches on the image, to make the cut easier the cut was made close to the r44 on the left side vcon board, please note Tsound you have the vgh point test and the cut I made right after, that is, I will remove this vgh reference that goes to the first left flat...MIGUELTV
Turn off fabricPlace a 39k resistor from ground to pin 3 of the inverter ciVelk JVM
Does not turn on or turn on standbyIdentified the following burned components (fuse 5a, qm801cs - stf10nm60nd, icm801 - s3310)I replaced the components above, instead of the (10nm60) I used a kp11n60, instead of the s3310, I used an s3330, taken from another scrap Samsung power supply, everything worked 100% - note; merits also for waterfall electronicsCDS_DIAS / LED TECH
LED flashes 3 times TV does not turn onQ202 na pci principalReplace the sameWilliangb robista
Duplicated and flickering imageRemove r25 and r37In my case, just removing the r25 and the r37 solved the problem. clean image.bileu