Results: 87441

Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
Cloudy lens in new kss-150aPulled a new optical block out of stock and noticed it had acloudy lens. i did not use it.
Door opens by itselfAfter the first repair in which the belt was replaced, thecustomer complained of the same problem. 1. after opening the tray totake out a disc, the tray will close by itself before another disc can beput into the tray. 2. tray opens by itself.
Can play pre-recorded tapes but not tapes recorded on itselfUnit would play pre-recorded tapes but not tapes recorded onitself.
Interference pattern across screen, replaced comb filterInterference pattern across the screen which looked likesignal overload. scope shot looked ok at input, pin 2 cm-1301, but noisepresent at output pin number 6, y out. suspected this part was bad.
No clv lock on cd - no play - ld okUnit plays ld but not cd. looked like clv servo problem.
Runs in test mode, shuts down in normal operationUnit would achieve focus, sled would move toward center ofdisk and continue reading t.o.c. data then shutdown. looking at rf testpoint, showed signal typical of t.o.c. area: fok, sense, h. in signalsappeared normal.
Won't thread a tapeIntermittently, drum won't start.
No camera or playback video outUnit had no camera, playback or ee video. signal was goodgoing into input select ic-362 pin 28 (va-board). video looked clipped atpin 11 and no signal was present at pin 4. changing ic-362 had no effect.found no serial data i/o at pins 20-23. traced
No camera or playback video outUnit had no camera, playback or ee video. signal was goodgoing into input select ic-362 pin 28. (va-40 board) video looked clippedat pin 11, and no signal was present at pin 4. changing ic-362 had noeffect. found no serial data i/o at pins 20-23. tr
Need pinout for ic-401Can you supply us with a description of the pins on this ic?which are inputs, which are outputs, etc? -hq comments: cannot locate pin out of this ic in any similar models.will fax tokyo for information. to tokyo: could you please send block diagram and
Missing information from service manualVertical bias adjustment procedure: on service manual pagem-49: step 3 does not inform where the 16.5 +/- 0.1v test point is. -hq comments: please add the following information to your servicemanual: step 3. connect digital multimeter across dy connecto
Cold set has no video for first three minutes, refer l1614When set is turned on cold, there is no video for the firstthree minutes. high voltage and all function check out ok except video ismuted coming out of ic-301 to crt. then the raster starts to blink on andoff for about 15 seconds and then the picture w
Problem fix - audio output level is lowFound low audio output (cassette). found audio input existsat r-112/212 and amplification exists at r-113/213.
1/2 vcc adjustment pointsManual does not give location of 1/2 vcc point for adjustment.
No picture on pauseWhen camera is in playback, put in pause, video will be lost(bad a head). following the video path, found pin 20 hd-8 board hadone field missing when put in pause. following it back, found that inpause, video switch between pin 5 and 3 ic-202 on the h
No video out of cameraConnections on inner side of cn-301 on cd-14 board were bad.voltage was on connector not on imager ic.
Picture comes on slow and flashes for five minutes,On first turn on, the picture or screen will come on veryslowly. when picture comes on, it will flash on and off until the set ison for five minutes. unit will work well. this set has always done this.
Front cabinet's clips of the handset are brokenUnit comes to the ssc with loosened cabinet at the batterycompartment due to the broken clips. the front cabinet can be repairedinstead of replacing it.
Automatic scan not lockingWhen changing frequency range of tuner from japanese toamerican, according to customer information, the tuner feature of lockingonto strong station signals is lost. when reverting back to japanesefrequency range, the tuner will lock onto strong signals
Mechanism will not functionMechanism will not function. pins 18, 17, 16 and 15 of ic-501minimum data was not changing. no output just 5vdc.