Results: 87427

Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
Correct iris assembly part numberThe part number for the iris ring assembly in the servicemanual is incorrect. i have used the ring assembly from the ccd-v1 partnumber 1-547-190-21 and it works fine.
Part numberI need the part number for the silicon band that wraps aroundreference number 164 on the cdp-c15esd. servicer would like to have partnumber to try it on a cdx-a20. -hq comments: this band was only used in early production. the upperroller was then cha
Correction of earphone part number, 1-507-83821Part number for earphone jack in service manual is wrong.
Need correct part number for reference no. 190Wrong part number for reference number 190. part supplied ismuch too large in diameter. it appears that all manuals for units using(type 3) mechanism have this error. -hq comments: correct part number is 3-321-394-01. please correct yourservice manual
Fulcrum used to repair cd door pops outThe fulcrums on hand at our facility will not lodge itselfproperly in the unit, therefore, as soon as the door is opened, the fulc-rum pops out.
Unit shuts down using vcr fwd and reverse scan, see belowWhen this unit is connected to either an rca v900 or amitsubishi hs304 vcr, the unit will enter hv shutdown when either fwd scanon one unit or rev. scan on another is entered. servicer noted that bothmachines do not use drum shift to lock drum in these
Intermittent color on sub pix, replaced ic-1301Unit at dealer - unit had int. color on sub pictures. duringsplit screen, main picture had no color, sub picture had int. color.
Color shift in play modeWhen play is pressed, picture would have color shift, after4 to 5 seconds, color would be normal. found color phase shift rv-402misadjusted. it was 4.2 should have been 4.41.
Audio mutes and noise is heardPlayback muting would switch on and off after unit would heatup. this would take about 10 minutes to occur.
Horizontal tearAfter two to three hours, picture would go into a horizontaltear. found 15v regulator breaking down.
No sound; stuck on sw2-10The unit had no sound, was (stuck) on sw 2-10 and would notturn off. we found a solder splash across q-20 which apparently was thecause of ic-2 and d-16 being defective. replacement of these threecomponents (q-20, ic-2, d-16) resolved the problem. -hq
Intermittent pix/snd, replaced if blockWe have seen several units with an intermittent pix/sndproblems that have been isolated to the if module. while replacementresolves the problem, it is good to check the two electrolytics inside themodule. they may be positioned in such a way as to inte
No/poor tuning, replace r-591The unit appeared to have no/erratic tuner operation. theband switch supply/9v was running at 7.8v. we found r-591 in the supplyto have increased to 10Ω.
Loss of horizontal hold in rev/cue and pauseWe have seen several units that have poor horizontal in rev,cue and pause.
No a/v pb, cam rec, audio e-e, ff/rew and slow eject1) when eject it takes 7 seconds to start unthreading. 2) nocam rec audio ee. picture ok. 3) no video and audio pb. 4) no f/f andrewind but cue/review is ok. found pin #36 ic-102 (vi-6 bd.) only 3v,normal should be 4.9v. traced 3v came from ic-401 pin
Part number correctionPs-101 has the wrong part number on page 124 of the servicemanual. it should be: 1-532-727-11. -hq comments: we will investigate this and issue a correction.
Excessive wow and flutter in auto-speed modeExcess wow and flutter in auto-speed mode. manual speednormal. flywheel shows wear pattern.
Cdp507esd static on some discsStatic is heard on some discs between tracks or before themusic starts.
Xa10b scratches discXa10b would scratch disc because of a piece of wire inbeddedinto one of the magazine leaves. the wire stuck out about 1/16th of aninch.
Repairability of unitsMany units have been received with various problems, and dueto the nature of problems and product, have been unrepairable. requestsome form of product training, troubleshooting guide, and/or circuitdescriptions. -hq comments: training was given on this