Results: 87426

Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
No parts list in service manualNeed part number for the cable which corrects from the battery to the dc out. -hq comments: the part number for the dc out connector cord is 1-559-354-21. a parts list will be issued shortly.
No video in recordWould not record video. no video output from (vc-12) board.found iris ring defective.
Remote for strav950 - d10 - kv25xbrDo we have a single remote that will operate the above threeunits? -hq comments: the remote that will operate the above three units is thermu-70ii. a remote control receiver unit (p/n 1-463-815-11) is necessaryto make the d10 remote controllable.
Pix distorted, replace fbt 1-439-372-11Picture distorted.
Tv reception loss on cable system with strav880 installedWhen the receiver and tv set are hooked to the cable system,the tv sets picture would snow-out. when the receiver was removed, thetv would look and work normally.
Video/audio blank with pre-recorded tapeVideo blanks out. found these symptoms:1. playback video/audio cut out (muted) with self-recorded tape or testtape.2. self-recording from this unit - playback good on shop sl-hf600.3. vd ctl and ctl pulses good.
No camera recordRecord switch inoperative.
No drum servoDrum would start up and immediately shut down. found c520shorted - (30Ω). voltages were not far from spec around problem area.
Intermittent volume goes highTrouble symptom was very intermittent, i.e., volume would govery high, brightness level would decrease about 2/3 and no display. in-spection reealed no dc voltage at ic-101 when problem occured. i foundrosin connection on l-113 which prevented dc from
Picture distortionStrange distortion in picture. check rf waveform you can seeone head missing.
Noise between songs with battery packNoise between songs only with battery pack.
Fuse in negative side of dc inputSome d-10 units have a fuse in the negative side of dc is not shown on any supplements. -hq comments: tokyo added the fuse to prevent the regulator transistors(q401 and q403) from burning. they are currently working on a supplement.
Audio buzz on cable, replace if blockServicer reports the set has an audio buzz on cable channel 4only. they are unable to pickup ch 4 on an antenna.
Cannot receive uhf stationsDealer reports there is not any way to change from catv touhf. the service manual does not give any info and there is not aninstruction manual on premises.
Noise in pix during playbackOnce unit warmed up, noise bars would drift through pix. atfpilot at pin 1 of ic106 would disappear when problem was observed. hadcorrect wave form at q114 but not at the collector of q121. small spikeswere not present at this point.
Intermittently tuning drifted off, leaky c-202Intermittently tuning would drift off. found that when we usea tuner sub that the aft pins out of vif chip would change. pin 6 of ic20would go approx. 5vdc. this was what was driving the tuner off 5 was 0v but pin 7 which should be 3.6vdc
No am or fmNo am or fm. display readout was ok and unit would scan butit would not lock in on signal. no variation of vc voltage was voltage was short .3vdc and would not vary. dc voltage on pin 10, ic20was locked on 4.7vdc. i was able to locate defect
Cd will not play unless unit is upside downUnit would play if upside down. in normal position you can hear clicking noise during focus search.
Clock gaining 20 min/hrClock gaining 20 min/hr.
Picture breakup during picture in picture modeDuring picture in picture, inserted picture was broken into 5 horizontal lines across entire bottom of screen.