Results: 87426

Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
Battery will not take chargeBattery will not charge and hold charge.
Will not loadWill not load tape.
No displayUnit had no display.
Makes noise and door will not stay closedUnit makes noise and door will not stay closed.
FlashesVideo flashes.
Picture shifted, replace if block 1-464-597-11When tv was first turned on, picture was good. after five minutes, the picture has shifted.
Video blanked outBy doing a voltage analysis on the d board, i was able totrace to q1504 - e2.4, b.4, c.12.9, q1506, e2.4, c.2.4, b.2.4 checkedtransistors they were ok. checked surrounding components r1537 changedvalue.
Channels (stations) cannot be tuned inChannel display can be seen, however, stations cannot be tunedin.
Ic3 failureFour units with distorted audio of varying degrees - somequite severe. found ic303 (cxd1135q) defective. this was after theram chip was changed on two of the units.
No vertical sync on copy-guarded tape, add capacitorWhen playing certain copy-guarded tapes, namely, two waltdisney tapes, this tv model has absolutely no vert. sync. picture rollsupward rapidly. this problem was noted on two other sets, same model i.e.kv27hfr. same symptom was present using two differ
Professional tunerIntermittent shutdown when unit gets hot.
Motor mount holes positioned wrong on new motorsThe servo board solders onto motor in one way. the holes tomount motor to deck assembly are drilled in wrong position. when motorservo board is properly attached, the motor will not fit onto deckproperly or the servo board is not positioned properly.
Electronic viewfinder compatibilityCan an ntsc viewfinder be used on the pal camera? -hq comments: no, pix will roll continuously.
Spp80 battery part numberWe have a customer that needs a battery for an spp80 telephonewe have no service information on this phone. i have made a half dozenphone calls on this subject. i am no further ahead at this time. if youcould help in this area, i would appreciate it.
No p/b or rec with b deckNo p/b or rec with b deck. no indication on level meters.a deck playback ok. found ic309 pins 9, 13 held at -5.8v instead of+6.4v. traced switching logic back to pin 2 of ic402. it measured0.6v instead of -5.8v. found ic401 at pin 6 was drawing exce
Picture blanked, replace r552Picture blanked. hi v ok. noticed negative voltage on baseof q305, which the schematic calls out as positive.
S/m correction: audio pb output level adjustmentPage 200, section 5-5-2-3 refers to vr901 on the af22 boardfor pb output level adjustment. the pot is actually on board va14. -hq comments: a service bulletin will be issued.
Shutdown/blanking problem, replaced hvr blockSet shut down intermittly.
Service manual error, q-8206, u2-18Service manual schematic shows the base of q8206 connected to5v. this will not allow q8206 to switch (see attached). also u2-18 pin 1should show a ground connected which it does not. if no ground werepresent the external audio switch would not functio
No camera e/e or record pictureNo camera picture in ee or record modes.