Results: 87426

Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
Service manual correctionP40 of manual shows connection to ov ground for fe, te adj.should really be connected to 2.5v reference, cn721, pin 10. -hq comments: you are correct. the ground input of the oscilloscopeshould be connected to vref., pin 10 of cn721. we will inform to
Sidetone/voice output low in amplitudeSidetone and voice output low in amplitude. receiver sectionok, tone dialing ok. found r116 unsoldered at pin 15 ic101 speech networkchip.
Spindle motor runs backwardsSpindle motor runs backwards. unit was serviced at a dealerwhere the spindle motor had been replaced.
Intermittent shut down and/or horz freq drift, replace r-515Horz. freq. would drift off. a service call made to re-adjusthorz. freq. control. customer then complained unit would shut down sometime and horz. would drift. many parts were tried before r515 was con-firmed. solution: replace open resistor (r515).
Unit locks upUnit would take 1 message then lock up.
Capstan motor is always energizedThis unit maintains capstan motor running for as long as thesystem power is activated regardless if the cassette deck is in the oper-ating mode. this causes excessive wear on the mechanical components.
What is function of di0de/not listed on diagramDiode is mounted between pin 4 and 7 of ic105. diode notlisted in manual. -hq comments: the diode itself is as follows: rd 13eb2, part number8-719-100-68. if servicer replaces the ic105/upd6250c, this diode is nolonger necessary. (the diode is just
No tuner audioNo tuner audio. ta mute (ic301-11) high. found l006 on ti5disconnected at collector of q003, preventing h sync from getting to ic301on sa10.
Service manual errorPart number listed in manual (above) is incorrect. it is forcx522-153. research revealed that the correct part number is 8-759-112-97for the upd78112gf-505-3be. -hq comments: please refer to service bulletin csv-3 no. cam0032.
Intermittent no audio (r-chan only)Ckt. board pattern open from pin 15 of ic003 to pin 2 of ic202(via c201).
Sub part does not fitOriginal switch part number 1-553-318-41 subs to 1-553-318-31.the sub part will not mount due to the screw holes that mount it notaligning with the holes in the frame of the unit. please advise. -hq comments: i had kcp check this out. the spacing betw
Poor color - very low green and blueThe unit recorded very poor color with almost no green andvery little blue. we found the problem to be caused by a (noseeum) acrossrv70 on the pm-2 board. there was approx. 150Ω to ground from thehigh side of the control. this of course loaded dow
Unit stays in sleep mode, ic-104gThe unit was in the (sleep) mode and acted as if the upc wasnot receiving a vert pulse. upon examination, we found the vertical pulseto be only 1vpp at ic103/p.4. this was caused by a defective charactergenerator, ic104 loading the line down. replacem
Screen half darkThe left side of the screen was lighter than the right. also,the video was smeared. we found the problem to be caused by c1658-it hasopened up. this capacitor filters the b+ to the rgb drivers. replacementresolved the problem. -hq comments: c1658 is
Display unstableThe display was very unstable. we found that there was ex-cessive noise on all the b+ lines. this was due to an open decouplingcapacitor - c135 in the dc-dc converter. replacement resolved the pro-blem. the tip off was the fact that the converter was
Pic instability when using video disc player, q-353 removedWhen using a video disc player, the picture would jump ver-tically whenever there were rapid changes in brightness. we resolvedthe problem by defeating q353. this prevented the vert. pulse from beingexcessively processed. all input modes work correctl
Will not thread tape all the wayThe unit would load the cassette and thread about 1 inch andthen eject the tape. we found that the capstan motor was not turning andwas the cause of the problem. replacement resolved the problem.
No tuner vcNo vc voltage for the tuner, unable to tune differentchannels. (also s/n 810516, 813107)
Service bulletin no. 312This service bulletin has incorrect information. the correctpart number for q830 a dtc144es is 8-729-900-89. also the diagram forvi-18 mount side is incorrectly drawn. it should look like this correctedversion. -hq comments: a revision on this servic
Service mode test procedureThe method of grounding pin 2 of cnp 521 and pin 8 of ic505does not enable the disc to spin. it will check front panel functs. butcannot make rf adj. or ef adj. -hq comments: this method came from tokyo. we did not know this pro-cedure did not work un