Results: 87420

Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
Dark picture, r1528 replacedPix darker than normal. checking video out of ic301 (cx20193)showed unusual symptom when changing picture level. video was clamping topeak white instead of black. when pix at min., screen light and washedout. found b+ to cx20193 8 volts - should be 9
Unit stays in stand-byUnit will not power up.
Chucking arm brokenWhen disc loaded for play, unit is very noisy.
Dark camera pictureDark camera picture when unit cold, after warm up unit played.
Surround sound level low on tv onlyOnly saw a noticeable level change when unit on tv surround.all other functions of surround sound good.
P in p height adjustment, no adjustment existWhen viewing a program which has lettering on the screen ontop or bottom, the picture on the main screen will be ok. but the p-pportion will cut off the lettering. is there a height adjustment whichcan be done only on the picture in picture section? -
Fm distortionCustomer (radio station general mgr.) complained that fmsounded fuzzy and distorted on this unit. verified problem by usingsoundtechnology st1000 generator. we observed waveform by going tostereo and l+r modulation.
Static in audio only when music is playingUnit makes ticking sound at audio output only when music isplaying. in pause, ff or rev track jumps, all is quiet. unit set upperfectly. ticking sound was at same volume as information at output.
Blown fuses - muted pictureThe first time in the unit had a bad ic6008 and cp6005 andcp6006. now 3 weeks later just the fuses were open. because of theprevious problems i have had with the fuses in these circuits, i increasedthe fused from 0.8 amp to 1 amp. the shop will inform
Excessive hv - shut downThis unit had hv at 29kv. the unit would run for one halfhour to one hour, and then shut down. the fbt was found to have a brokenu clamp.
Error in schematic and/or block diagramIn blk diagram (page 25-26) ams ic is declared as ic103.schematic (page 69) calls it ic303 and then ic353 on chip block itself.both ic303 and ic353 are listed in parts list. what is correct p/n?
Slight horizontal jitter in top of pictureUnit displayed slight jitter in top of picture when playingpre-recorded tapes. self record ok. slowing down head drum with fingerimproved picture. drum free run adj. had no effect on jitter. replacingupper drum had no effect.
Radio interference, see sb ctv0288rPicture remains free of interference but sound is picking upthe transmission. even with unit turned off, sound is still there.customer has an amateur radio station.
Crt cracked, replace d-505 and crtCrt with neck cracked inside the yoke area. prior to connect-ing the chassis to new crt, the set was operated ok on the bench jig. hvmeasured 24kv. in second set, anode voltage measured 28 to 29kv. picturedisplayed severe pin cushion distortion. fou
Kcp partsDue to design of 27 consoles, controls mounted on bezel.this necessitates pulling cabinets. my suggestion: make jig available tosubstitute controls saving labor to pull unit. -hq comments: crt jig is available now. please contact telematic (718-271-52
Incorrect ref. # - page 26; ref. #60Ref. number wrong. page 26 (ref. #60) is showing a cable(with connector). the cable (with connector) is ref. #751-555-488-00. -hq comments: we will issue a service bulletin.
No viewfinder characters displayThis unit had no character display in the viewfinder. thecharacter generator ic was found to be defective. the on tape characterswere ok.
Dead, replace r-555, d-557 and crtThe neck of the tube in this unit and a continuous arcing.this was the probable cause of the shorting of d557 and the opening ofr555.
Manual correction, crt p/n 8736-853-05Part number in manual does not exist according to kansas city,part number listed is 8-736-853-01. should have been 8-736-853-05.this is a crt, ref # v901 listed on page 31. -hq comments: we sent information to japan, will issue a s/b about this.
One channel out on tape functionOne channel had no output in one direction.