Results: 87420

Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
Intermittent video and sound, replace t251Intermittently the picture would turn white and the soundwould become noisy. this is in the tuner mode. also with no antennathere was no snow present.
Sound level too low, circuit changeCustomers are complaining that the sound output level at thespeakers is too low.
Sound level too low, r842 value changeCustomers are complaining about too low sound level at thespeaker.
Pop in sound, add reg circuit on "x" boardPop in sound when changing channels and going thru non-activechannel or when scene changes from dark to bright. found 18v line voltagejumping.
Unit powers up but no sound/picture, replace v out ic501The unit would power up but there was no sound or picture.also it was not possible to shut the set off with the front panel control.the problem looked like trouble with the upc. however, we noticed thatthere was no vert. pulse which is necessary for pro
No drum servo lock - unit shuts downUnit
Incorrect p/n - loading chassis ass'yPart number listed in manual is incorrect. this part numberis for the loading chassis ass'y used in the cdp-30. the mounting forthe loading motor is different in these units and the part received is notuseable in the cdp-45. i also checked the cdp-35
Left side of display on all the timeDisplay segment for pause, sequence, recording, auto, and playare on all the time. this is the 11g section of display.
Incorrect p/n for c5304 in s/m, correct p/n is 1-130-121-00Part number listed for above capacitors shows 1-129-935-00.this part number is for a 500pf 1.5kv capacitor. the correct part numberfor the capacitors is 1-130-121-00. -hq comments: we sent the report to correct service manual.
Detector block ass'yWhen ordering p/n x-3322-501-1, it is subbed to p/nx-3322-540-1. kansas city has done this twice when ordering p/nx-3322-501-1. i would like to know if the sub part is compatible or hasto be modified. -hq comments: yes, the new detection block ass'y i
No audio output but tracks disc okNo audio output, but unit tracks ok. pam output missing fromic301-17, but input good.
No fmComplaint of no fm, all other functions ok. found no supplyvoltage at fm rf amp. trouble was traced to excess lead length of l303which was touching the ground next to it.
Part number correction - front panelPart numbers listed for item 12 in service manual areincorrect.
No playback/no recordWas unable to get unit to record, playback or erase. checkedheads with sl-5151 head checker. all checked ok. checked record andplayback amps, worked fine.
Noise before selection is played when using amsA brief blip of sound is heard immediately before a selec-tion, accessed with an ams key, is played. this also occurs occasionallyduring the initial play of a disc.
Malfunction of reel motor and system controlFound f002 in p.s. section open. after replacement, ic401 onsa-10 board gets very hot. erratic reel motor operation. f002 gets openagain. also, found d210 (sa-10 board) open. gets hot after replacement,the other problems still exists intermittently.
Intermittent skippingUnit would skip tracks intermittently at random. tracedproblem to cold solder on m701 minus terminal. have seen several unitswith either + or - terminals cold soldered. since motor is assembled intoboard, this could be a problem on similar models also
No focus searchThe unit would not focus search.
Unit shuts down, replace d502This unit would immediately shut down. we defeated the shut-down circuit by shorting the line from the hvr. then running the unit upon a variac we found ic501/pin 9 to be only 3.4v. the cause was a defec-tive d502.
Unit would not tune, replacedic-003The unit would not tune in the stations. it was not possibleto change the output of ic001/pin 12 pwm out. the problem was caused by adefective pll controller/ic003. interestingly, the upc seemed to work inall other respects - display, etc.