Results: 87421

Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
ScanUnit tears out when in the cue/review mode. found 31.468 khzreading 34.878 khz.
Purity changes with set directionWhen set turned east, top right corner turns magenta, bottomright turns green. also slight cyan ring present on entire face of tube. -hq comments: smaller pitch crts require narrower landing tolerances.follow procesure: 1) face crt east, turn set on 2)
Detection errorsDetection of focus ok was premature. in fact ic1 pin 1 pulleditself hi internally. a scope probe would discharge this voltage andallow normal focus servo locking. i simulated the probe loading with a200k resistor and the resulting modification functio
No capstan lockCapstan speed erratic usually overspeed by approx. 50%. soundstill present but as monkey chatter. no output from pin 13 of ic002.
Microphone cover p/nThere is no parts breakdown for the mike and to replace thecover only which snaps on, you have to replace the whole mike assembly.could you get us the part # for the mike -hq comments: the microphone hoods will be available shortly from kcp.the hoods ca
Intermittent motorboatingMotorboating in left channel after about two hours of play.disappeared after about few sec by opening the unit. used hair dryer.did not help. by covering unit with towels the symptom occurred again.finally found a bad 0.01uf cap in cp804 on af-1 bd (be
Beep level after messageI have received about 5 calls on the complaint that dhebeep after og message is too loud. cust want to know if anything can bedone to correct this. in one case cust had to bring unit in to see if s/b184 would correct problem, but found it had correct v
No part # on microfischeCar stereo dist ordered lamp and was told by kc not a good #.part # is not listed on fische. -hq comments: we have requested p/n to be listed on the microfische inkc. please order the part again, you will receive it soon.
Adjustments drift after 3-6 monthsUnit sold about 3 to 6 mos ago are coming back. must berealigned. -hq comments: some units experience some adjustment drift after aging.also, the heat build up in the car adds to the drift. after initialreadjustment, the units should remain stable.
Intermittent no ejectIf unit is partially loaded or fake loaded and then ejectbutton is pushed, unit ejects. if tape is completely loaded and play isentered, pushing eject will cause tape to unthread but not to eject.eject light blinks.
No sound, replaced c215No sound, but picture ok. pin 9 goes to 0v. pin 13 audioout no signal. replaced ic201, did not solve problem. measured frompin 9 to gnd to see capacitor is charging or not.
No picture, nor sound, replaced c209No video, nor sound. q601 get hot. found c209 bad.
Int. antenna switchingThe unit int. would not switch the antenna input into thetv mode. we found the rfu-1/rf mod/switch to be defective.
Int. noisy tuner vcThe tuner would intermittently loose the channel and producenoise on the screen. scoping the vc line we found it to be changingrapidly. this was caused by ic1/ss-32.
Incorrect part #Part # for battery lid is incorrectly listed as x-3891-401-1in s/m. correct # is x-3895-401-1. -hq comments: we have issued a s/b concerning this problem. you shouldbe receiving it shortly.
Could only be turned on and off, no other functions, ic-501Set could only be turned on and off. no video, or any otherfunctions. raster was visible with screen control turned up. trouble-shooting revealed no vertical pulse at tp-35. no dc voltage at collectorof q506 and distorted pulse at pin 2, ic501. also
Ref numberRef # 154 and 172 are reversed. -hq comments: we will issue a s/b.
Wrong ref numberThere is no s602. should be s601. -hq comments: we will issue a s/b.
Ref #53 and #86 are reversedRef. 53 and 86 are reversed. -hq comments: we will issue bulletin on this.
Distorted soundThe unit had a very slight distortion in the sound on bothchannels. between selections or when playing back a single sine wave(yeds-7) noise could be seen occurring at about 13-14 khz.