Results: 87419

Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
Picture overload/interference, install a capacitorThe set would intermittently have an interference in thepicture and sound which would sometimes overload it. the problem wascaused by horiz. noise that was appearing on the u input to the band-switch ic/ic102 pin 3. the noise was not originating from a
No sled movementNo sled movement in either normal or service mode. flywheeltransistors had been overheated and damaged. replaced 5 flywheel tran-sistors. sled would then move only in one direction.
P/n for m bracket and shield case power supply blockI need the part numbers for 1) the plastic frame that the mand d boards are mounted to, and 2) the metal cage that the ga and gbboards slid into. -hq comments: the part numbers you asked for are as follows: 1) m. bracket: 4-374-217-1
No videoNo video record, audio ok.
Lines in pixLines in pix.
Eats tapeEats tape.
Eats tape, intermittent loss of fgEats tapes. capstan speed overruns, spilling tape.
Unable to tune vhf hi band switches to uhfUnable to tune vhf hi band switches to uhf tuning with vhf hiindicated. ic401 pin 17 would not go low when vhf hi selected.
Intermittent operationApparently glitches were going to the microprocessor andgiving it commands.
Unit shuts downIc508 (pwm drive sled) burns up. also, pin 23 ic501 voltagegoes up to 4vdc when ff is pushed in service mode. it should be only+1.5v.
Motor starts in correct direction, then reverses & overrunsMotor starts in correct direction, then reverses and over-runs.
Motor reverses and spins backwardsMotor starts in forward direction, then reverses and spinsbackwards until shutdown.
Bent motor mounting brackets (no transport)Tape decks did not work because the motor brackets had beenbent downwards by the weight of the motors. the motors are heavy and thebrackets are made of soft metal, so they can be deformed in normal ship-ping and handling.
Part numbersI need part numbers of rv303, 305, 306 and 304. -hq comments: the part no. are as follows: rv303 1-226-506-11 brt rv305 1-224-146-11 color rv306 1-224-146-11 hue
Service mode problems and no remote or front panel control1) this unit would not go past #19 in service mode. 2) therealso was no remote or front panel controls and no display. only power on/off worked. found solder blob across s2001 section #4 connecting ic2005pin 21 to 38 all the time. pulling on wires fr
Q503 failureOn several of these units we are finding q503 is shortingout sometimes along with ic508. in a few cases after replacing alldefective parts and going through all alignments, some of these unitsare coming back after approx. 2 months with repeat failure of
P/n for upper frame assyNeed part # for upper frame assy. -hq comments: the part number is 4-905-866-01. the number is listed onpage 43 as ref. no. 113.
Loss of playback chroma, sound and speed regulationWhen playing back it, and appears to be going half speed. prerecorded tapes operate'properly. found that pin 3 of ic101 has 3.9v at all times. staticresistance check of c132 shows 7 kΩ.
No service manual for new board and partsNo service manual for new board (a board p/n 1-614-043-11)and parts. -hq comments: pls look to fd-20a supplement no. 5 for the informationsyou need. the supplement p/n is 9-963-120-85.
Missing part number, not available, must replace componentMissing part number of cp841 and cp843. -hq comments: the part number for cpxxx components are not listed ins/m because sony policy is to repair these components not to replace them.cp841 consists of three 75Ω resistors (1/6w p/n 1-247-805-00) andcp