Results: 87418

Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
Disc plate assy, part looseI have found this part in three cdp-302's. the units operatenormally without the part. the part is a small precision metal part,approx 3mm high by 2.5mm round. -hq comments: the part is part of the disc plate assy (#373) on page 61of the s/m. they ar
No video recordingUnit will not record video, but records audio fine.
No sw receptionI had no sw. touching q212 caused intermittent sw.
No videoNo video on playback or recording, audio in the unit wasfine.
Auto focusThe auto focus motor was rotating in one direction only.
Incorrect part number for motor (m902)M901 and m902 are different. one is cw rotation, other ccw.the part numbers are the same in the manual. when ordering we get thecw motor. can you help us with the correct part number for the ccw motor? -hq comments: part number is a-3133-229-a for m9
No channel read outWhen input selector on (tuner), have video and sound but nochannel read out and cannot change channels. when in line/pcm position,channel select lights and can change channels but no tuner video or sound.
Poor purity, replace crtPink in upper right hand corner. could not adjust purityin upper right hand corner, tried using magnets, no help. i hit the crtwith my hand and could see shift in purity.
No channels programmingWill not remember programmed channels on the tuner.
Interface infoPlease send us interface info. -hq comments: the tcu-270 is tape deck in the access 301 a/v entertain-ment system. tcu-270s 13 pin connector only connects to the avu-270.avu-270 supplies ac power using the 13 pin connector. also, all of thesignals are
No disc rotation - abnormal focus searchDuring focus search objective lens goes too far to eitherextreme. fok 0. at c206 broken pcb trace.
Transport goes back and forthIntermittently, the transport goes back and forth. at times,unit will play fine for 5-6 hrs then problem occurs. -hq comments: please refer to tape recorder s/b #146r and try new fwdand nr levers.
Oscillation present at efmCannot adjust pll-rf due to the fact there is oscillationpresent at efm. the oscillation looks similar to the efm signal but itis much higher in frequency. ic604, ic601, d601, t701 and complete rfpcb all were replaced. problem still exists. -hq comme
No motionThe machine came in first time with open pinch solenoid. ireplaced it, also replaced driving transistors. now came as a recall,pinch and brake solenoids are open. replaced again, also driving tran-sistors. intermittently the machine changes the funct
Vertical bars on playbackVertical bars on playback caused by creases on the tape.customer thinks the unit is damaging his tapes. verified creases on allsize tapes.
Wheel block assy, motor (substitution)This part subs to x-3315-357-1 (wm-f10) but the shaft in thewheel block is too long for the wm-f10ii motor. -hq comments: refer to t/n letter a0053. use p/n a-3313-205-a for themotor wheel block assembly. however, the new motor wheel is notcompatible
No sircs out signalNo output at sircs out connector.
Purity off, repaired degausing coilMinor purity problem in the upper left corner. hand degauss-ing did not clear problem and could not be adjusted out. the purity wasso far off that the red gun controlled the green phosphor.
Q-22 circuit in schematic is wrong, please correct your smPage 77 of schematic shows collector of q22 going through r40to b+. it should go through r40 to base of q23. -hq comments: please correct your service manual using thisinformation.
Function switchAfter short period of usage, function switch becomes loose.