Results: 87418

Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
Lock-upSet will not come on or may come on but no other functionworks. checked the reset pulse at pin 3 of ic103 and found it low alltimes. unsoldered pin 3 and voltage went up to 5v. resoldered pin 3 andset began to work. pin 3 now goes to low momentarily
Beats on pictureBeat on picture like adjacent channel interference.
Skips on pauseGlitch on picture.
Drum assyWe ordered the drum assembly of the above unit, kc sent usthe right number but the plug was different.
Loss of capstan lock when hotWhen unit is hot after approx 2 hours, record and playbackhas loss of capstan lock glues, an indication of tracking problem.picture may lock on playback with tracking control to one end of range.
Loss of tracking in playbackServicer complained that unit would loose tracking in playback and tracking control had no effect on pix. record mode was ok.slight leakage was detected on q5, causing base of q507 to go high andturn on, putting composite sync on pin 3 of ic501.
Tape crinkles at startAt start of tape, lower edge of tape crinkles for a fewseconds. this is not consistent and happens to various brands of tape(mostly l-750) so tape does not seem to be the fault. -hq comments: please try the japanese t/n that i faxed to you(bet-855043,
Intermittent tape jam on ejectThis unit displayed poor rewind torque in the eject mode.this resulted in the tape intermittently not being rewound into the shellall the way. tape jam then occurred. normal rewind, fast forward andplay torques were adequate. replacement with the impr
Intermittent vert holdThis unit would very intermittently loose vertical hold. whenin the failure mode the 100 volt line was seen to contain excessiveripple. this was caused by a thermal q601/series regulator. althoughthis is an old model, we felt it worthwhile to report d
Intermittent sync in home management helper modeThis unit worked fine in all functions except the homemanagement helper mode. in this mode the picture would intermittently goout of horiz. sync.
Eject button brokenComplete panel needs replacement, and is rejected underwarranty, when only one button is inoperative. panel does not appear tohave any customer abuse or misuse. -hq comments: the eject button failed as a result of a weak or voidarea in the plastic. i
Bad solder connection of l-sw connectorWhen you turn on the power sw, drum and capstan motor willkeep turning intermittently. it can be any symptom. it depends on whichsignal from l-sw is missing.
Wrong indication in svc manualPages 58 and 59, #912 is shown as the entire dc-dc converter.the converter is #904 and the cable is #912. -hq comments: we will issue a s/b.
No pb video, cue/review video normalNo video out in normal play, but in cue and rew ok. firstpoint signal was missing was pin 2 of ic102 on the vi-6 board. the inter-nal doc sw was being activated by wrong input at pin 18. ic101 wasproducing the wrong output at pin 9, but was not itself
No audio in pb of known good tapeNo audio with known good tape. correct audio signal up topin 27 of ic401. noticed that pin 6 was at 0v, presumably indicating amute condition, triggered by do detector. but no dropouts were noticeablein fm signal at tp401.
No video, just chroma from camera onlyNo video, just chroma from camera only.
Intermittent mutingWhen installed in 1985 toyota and 1986 honda and the a/c isturned on, unit will mute no matter what mode it is in. i have suggestedputting in a larger inductor and a cap but it made no differenceaccording to the customer. -hq comments: i have heard fro
Power antenna activationCustomer installed xr-66 into 1979 cadillac eldorado. whenthe unit is on and the key is turned off, the power antenna retracts.when the cadillac is restarted the radio comes on but the power antennawill not go up. if he hits the horn or the power seat,
Part number for system cable 9 pinWhat is part number for system cable 9 pin between str-vx550. -hq comments: the number for 6 pin (not 9 pin) cable is 1-555-054-00.
Conductance of chip component glue in vco circuitThe vco was not running. problem was traced to conductiveglue beneath c608 of the vco circuit. when i attempted removal of c608 itshattered necessitating replacement.