Results: 87418

Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
Design change in remote circuitUnit would switch and stay in record mode when remote cablewas connected. found ic502 bad and also a shorted diode which is notshown in service manual. this diode is connected to pin 16 of ic502 andground. i would like to know the p/n of this diode as
Use of rm-e100 video editing controller with vhs recorders
Missing p/n - ic401This ic is for aep model. where is p/n for usa model? seepage 15, red dotted box. usa: stk4040x aep: stk4036x -hq comments: the part number is 8-749-940-40. the ic will be stockedin rpc on or after january the 10th. we will issue a parts ecn
Lose board support pinPlastic pin (board support) on sa-10 board above the letterr above the word drive sol falls out and floats inside unit. oneunit had pin jammed under drum motor. -hq comments: the purpose of this support pin is to keep the cover fromtouching the sa-10 b
Video smearingThis unit had a slight video smear when playing back its ownrecordings. prerecorded tapes were fine.
Left channel outThe left channel was dead. we found c521 in the sample andhold circuit to be defective. replacement resolved the problem. sampleenclosed. -hq comments: we have sold quite a few of cdps and pcms, but this is thefirst report on a defective s/h capacito
No audio outputNo sound on radio or tape, unit has power. front panel ledsindicate normal operations. signal tracing showed audio getting to inputsof ic302 but not coming out, voltage measurements on ic302 were wrong dueto broken ground path (pins 5 and 9 read 3.7v i
Incorrect resistor value, r561 should be 6.8 kohmsSchematic (p25) and parts list (p38) both indicate r561resistor (in the collector circuit of q501, horizontal drive transistor)should be 6.8Ω. in fact, in the unit this is 6.8 kΩ, which agreeswith other models in the p3 chassis series. -hq comme
Part number for front panel assy is not in s/mPart number for front panel assy is not in s/m but is listedon parts microfische. -hq comments: part number is x-4877-106-1. we will issue a s/b.
No audio outputNo output to speakers. signal was getting to output ic butnot coming out. dc voltages on ic were wrong, so i changed the ic, stillno output. resistance measurements on ic revealed short from pin 3 toground, found shorted capacitor c339.
Does not turn on, replace hdt t501No high voltage, horizontal oscillator is working but verysmall pulse will reach the base of the horizontal output.
Intermittent speed on biii playbackTape speed intermittently changes on biii playback. unitrecords fine on biii, bii and playback is good on bii.
Missing part # for gear (c)Need part number for gear (c). -hq comments: the p/n for the gear you requested is 3-550-026-00. wehave a service bulletin on this (tape recorder s/b #168, august 19, 1985).
Part numberThe part number for this pad assy is not valid. -hq comments: although the part is not stocked, the part numberx-2248-902-0 is valid in npc. please order to npc.
Missing part number for the stopperNo part number for the stopper. -hq comments: the number is 3-553-039-00 for the stopper.
No am/fmCustomer complained of intermittent am-fm. unit had no am-fmwhen examined.
No operation of front panel button controls except for powerOn screen display would always indicate mts status whenattempting to change other controls. switch has high resistance, andshows signs or corrosion.
Faint vertical lines, reposition wires around the flybackFaint vertical lines. -hq comments: found repositioning the wires in the flyback vicinity caneliminate the bars. please proceed as follows: 1) display raster on thescreen from signal generator. 2) move the wires around the flyback awayfrom it as far
Radio station heard on telephoneRadio station is heard when the answering machine answers the phone.
Metal collars fall off pins on disc plate assy #373The metal collars which go over the pins on the disc plateassy fall off and become lodged in the mechanism, usually sticking on themotor magnet. -hq comments: the disc plate assy has been changed upon model changesfor new products. there is no good fix