Results: 87418

Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
Creasing of tapesDamages tapes at beginning, after the machine stopsautomatically from rewind. this problem occurs often using l750 or l830tapes. -hq comments: the problem was resolved by changing the spring to astronger one and roughening the base of the reel where th
No casters, this model comes without casterThe new product information sheet from home office and the s/mboth clearly state this product has casters. the san diego plant is notproducing this product with casters. -hq comments: there are mistakes in both s/m as well as sales brochurein regard to
Unit spins forward then backwardUnit would spin then stop and go backward.
No tuner memoryUnit has no memory or loses memory.
No threadingUnit would accept tape but would not thread. found pinchroller solenoid not engaging properly.
Intermittent binding of tone armThe customer said that about once a week the tone arm wouldstall about one third of the way into the record. it was then necessaryto nudge the arm while engaging the arm transport. we found the guide barto be slightly bent and hanging up the tone arm.
Changing purity, crtThe purity would change when the unit heated up. also itwould change when the set was vibrated/shocked.
Intermittently won't power off manually, ic-105 memory icIntermittently this unit would not power off manually. whenit was in the failure mode the screen would blank and possibly go to anoff channel when the power button was depressed. all remote functionsworked fine. we could not detect any irregular volta
Power supply failure; dc-dc convertor unitUnit came in with q1 and q2 shorted. replaced parts and atpower turn on, same transistors failed instantly. upon further inspec-tion of dc-dc converter brd, i noticed l2 which was glued had bustedloose from point where the glue was placed.
No powerUnit was dead. servicer had replaced every component in pps.but when he hooked up supply to main brd, r002 would open up. when i gotunit, i pulled pps board loose and put freq. counter on it. ckt. wasrunning erratic from 23khz to 37khz constantly chan
No beta hifi recordUnit would not record in beta hi-fi. audio carriers werepresent but frequencies were double the normal.
No eject and intermittent tally and standby lamp operation1) unit would not eject. 2) tally lamp (d114) and stand-bylamp (d116) on fp-16 board work intermittently.
Disc spins - no audioOriginal problem was disc spins, then goes back to standby,no audio. verified problem, found that rf was coming up ok but disc speedwas wrong. in service mode we had gfs high all the time, however the vcowas not oscillating. measured 0.6vdc at pin 9/i
No part numberOn page 17 block d-3, part # of rivet 3x10 is missing. -hq comments: the part number is 7-625-724-30.
Tape creasingTape damage at beginning of tape after auto rewind with l-750/l-830 tapes. tape remains slack after rewind, causing damage when playbutton pressed.
Missing p/nNo part number or ref. # in service manual or irp. -hq comments: the two photo-couplers are mounted on the sw pwb asslisted in the s/m (ref. #913 p/n 3-596-542-01). will check with tokyofor separate supplies of the devices.
Distorted pictureSymptoms viewed on the monitor look like an agc problem. syncinstability and a tendency toward a negative picture.
Tuner availabilityMany reports of theft of the tuner section. can we getseparately? -hq comments: the tuner and players are produced in a pair, and no tuneralone is available.
Japan unit (100 v) can use in us?,need step down transformerCustomer bought set in japan. brought back to us and itplayed 7 hrs and went dead. svc says it is 50hz 100v, if so, can it bemodified to work in us? -hq comments: sony policy in such a matters is not to modify unitsdesigned for different standards. i
Betamovie turns on in rec modeWith a tape in unit at turn on, unit would go into record modeand would not come out.