Results: 87418

Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
Unit will not come out of rgb modeUnit stayed in rgb mode. remote inoperative, front panelcontrols inoperative except for power on/off. screen black.
Need part number for power harnessWhat is p/n for power harness? -hq comments: the s/m has the part and reference numbers on page 25.the part number is 1-556-901-21 and reference number is 901. we willissue a s/b.
Video flicker, replaced ppu1There was a flicker in the video, this started out to beonly on the high band channels. later on it was even on the low bandchannels. found that the synthesizer unit was not locking and this lookedlike video flicker.
Missing part number - c179Need part number for c179 (3300uf @10v) listed in capacitorchart. -hq comments: the part number is 1-123-655-00.
No play functionWill not play.
Burnt (m) boardThis was the third unit i encountered with burnt m board.all of them on the same spot. d115 shorted and r181 overheated and burntthe board.
No audioUnit came in with no audio on playback. it recorded fine but it still would not playback audio.
Tape jamTape jammed. the unit would power up but would not perform any other function. i resoldered x601 and the unit started to perform normally for a few minutes, but it stopped working again.
Rewind problemUnit rewinds for approx. 3 to 6 sec then stops (same problemon reverse betascan). problem happened as soon as unit was unpacked.
Hum in head setThere is always a hum present in this and two other similarunits. this hum can be eliminated by moving the lead which connects tothe phone line. placement of this wire is very critical. no solution. -hq comments: connect 0.01/25v cap between the coll
No fm or amNo fm.
Double picture in pause/poor betascanIn pause mode picture exhibits a bend in the middle and twoimages, slightly offset. betascan was extremely noisy with 2 or 3 noisebars, 15-20 lines wide. symptoms were intermittent.
Low brightnessThree units. when using pc701 to interface kv-25xbr to anibm pc, user has washed out picture with low brightness. he claims thishappens with all the pc701s and xbrs he has tried. -hq comments: pc701 reduced somehow overall brightness of whatevermonito
Locked in on mode, no manual or remote functions, d021Set could only be turned on or off by master switch. noother functions would respond. inspection revealed that a signal wasalways present at pin 37 of ic001. also, at pin 18, same ic, power onsignal present. disconnecting d021 removed the signal pres
Complete mechanism - p/n missingNeed part number for complete cassette mechanism. -hq comments: the tape transport is not available.
No video, transport functions okNo video, but transport functions ok.
Brakes draggingBrakes would not release.
No rewindUnit would go into all forward modes. in rewind or review,the unit would start and go into the stop mode after 3 to 4 seconds.sensor is located on rd-12 board. the board calls out for q001/q002, butthe schematic shows them as diodes d001/d002. either
Unit looses drum lockUnit would go into a drum loss. about every 5 to 10 seconds,picture would break up. looked like a capstan loose. found ic405 defective.
Unit would not play entire discUnit will not track through disc.