Results: 87417

Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
Poor tape pathThe tape was riding up on the pinch roller and at timesdamaging the tape. we found the back tension to be insufficient andcausing the problem. what made this problem unusual was the fact that theunit would often play fine for extended periods.
Weak video and poor sync, leaky c208This unit displayed weak video and poor sync. we found c208of ic201 pin 3 to be leaky.
No channel indication, q2002 openThis unit had no led drive for the channel indicator. alsosound, pix, channel controls did not work. it gave every indication of alocked up upc. we found q2002 on m board to be open and causing theproblem.
Tonearm not droppingTonearm would not drop to record.
Lithium batteryOne customer has lost lithium battery already one customerbattery was missing from carton and one wants to purchase replacementjust to be on the safe side.
Unit pulsates between record and pause modes in steady cycleWhen entering rec, unit would cycle between rec and pause ata rapid frequency. random pulse at collector of q517, ss-21 board causedproblem. q518 was found defective. replaced q518, unit ok.
Wrong part numberTransistors q1 and q2 are listed as 8-759-105-29 on page 69of service manual. correct number is 8-729-105-29. -hq comments: we will issue a t/n and s/b.
Rm704 is not availableRm-704 is not available. npc substitute part is rm-708, butshape is not the same. if size and shape is more important to customer,can rm-706 (a-1009-074-a) or rm-705 (not all function) be substitutedsuccessfully? -hq comments: as replacement of units
Display malfunctionLow or no audio, all segments of the display come on when astation is received, but display acts normal in scan mode or when unit isnot tuned onto a station, also display blanks out completely in psb mode.
Background noiseIn fm mode after 45 to 90 minutes there is excessive back-ground noise. also, the sensitivity seems to have decreased. -hq comments: if the problem is in the fm, i would suggest you wouldheat-test q101 rf amp. also check the transistor mechanically, o
NoiseWhen using a cdx-5, xr-65 and xm-55 and listening to a disc,sound is very clean when listening to either a tape or radio, excessivemotor noise shows up in the system. though, when bypassing the cdx-5 themotor noise disappears. one dealer has tried as m
No rgb outputSet had no rgb output when unboxed. scope showed good videoin at ic301 pin 3 and also pin 2 but no video out at pins 32, 33 or 34.a check of supply voltages showed the following: 140 volt line was 130volt. 16 volt line was 15 volt. 8 volt line was 7
Correction to supplement #1Page 8 ref. 334 and 338 reversed in expl. p/n 3-681-404-01(flange 334) 3-681-410-01 (nut 338) -hq comments: we will issue a t/n and s/b regarding this subject. thefollowing will be changed. 1) reverse reference balloons 334 and 338.2) add screw (p/n
No vip, leaky d-103No vip. noise on m2 data line pin 28 ic103 a board.voltage approx. 4.5vdc. when checking m2 line at pin 14 of ic050 tboard could see a faint horizontal pulse.
Repack kitApprox. 3 months after installation of mtl repack kit(t-998-025-81), ic became defective. only way to get new ic is to consumeentire new repack kit.
Intermittent remote, corroded plug on remote moduleMany complaints on kv-1970, -1971 and -1992 with intermittentremote function.
Wrong battery lidTwo different type battery lids produced for wm-f10 may besame problem as wm-f10 technical news a-0062 feb 15, 1985. -hq comments: although both lids are different in color of the sidewall, they are physically compatible and are registered as the samepa
Cable interference, suggest 220 mhz trap useTv on cable. vertical bars channels, k thru w. per the cablecompany, there is a pilot signal at channel j (220mhz). i have not beenable to get a trap at this frequency (220mhz). -hq comments: please try microwave filter company. the address is6743 k
Fm driftFm would come in with stereo indicator lit when unit was firstturned on. after about 20 minutes stereo led would go out. slightlyadjusting rv4 would turn indicator back on for a short time before itdrifted again. found that by hitting c48 with freeze
Erratic display and control operationFrom a cold start up unit would have no display and all func-tion leds would be lit. after several mins. of being on, display wouldlight, function leds would go out and unit would work and not act up.