Results: 87417

Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
No channel display and no videoNo channel display and no video.
Picture was dark, replace q301Picture was dark until channel # went off.
Set dead, replaced c666 and d658 (add 4700pf across d658)Should d658 short r675 opens. no 16v to ic 651 allowing power supply to produce 240v on 140v line. blowing out c666.
Part numberNeed part number for c302 (2200uf 16v). part supplied bynpc is too big to fit in place of this cap. -hq comments: cap's part number is 1-123-566-00. the part is availablefrom npc.
Intermittent eject out of a selected functionUnit would intermittently drop out of the function selectedand eject the tape. found that taping on unit would cause the symptoms.
Drop out of function is special effects modeAfter 15 mins on, unit would go into stop mode when specialeffects was selected.
Mute problem - intermittentS802 (mute sw) not operating with every cycle of eject. lub-ing did not help. audio on tape remained dead when tape was inserted. -hq comments: the problem seems to be caused by s802 according to yourreport. however, we have received similar problems
Frequency image on 79.70 mhzOn icf-2002 on 79.70mhz it is picking up 101.00 mhz and wecompared to icf-7600d which is an european model but it is an identicalunit and it is doing the same thing. is there any solution for these? -hq comments: did you try sens low? if the fm101.1mh
Repair procedureWe have a betamovie signal converter jig bmcj-888u that hasfailed. please advise how we are to proceed. -hq comments: we are sending a copy of the draft for the bmcj-888u fieldservice alignment manual. the manual contains a circuit description,electri
No battery charge from ttNo battery charge from tt. unit was burning d811 on ma-1 brdand blowing fuse f801 in sl. found q651 and ic681 defective. unit wouldnow charge properly, but would not shut off charging ckt when batterythermal switch opened. d824 on ma-1 brd in sl was
Disk turns backward at maximum speedDisk turned backward at maximum speed as soon as turning onthe power sw. there was no 1/4 rfck from ic503 at pin 27. 8.64mhz clockwas good, so i replaced ic503. i also replaced ic505, because lrck signalwas very low. but they did not cure the problem
Noise in audioOnly noise was heard in audio.
No display intermittently, replaced display tubeIntermittent channel indication.
Snowy picture, replace vhf tunerThis unit produced a snowy picture, the problem being causedby a defective tuner block. we have had reports of a few of these tunersfailing after only a couple of months usage.
Poor horizontal and vertical linearity, readjusted rv851This unit displayed poor linearity - both horiz. and vert.we found rv851 (keystone adj) misadjusted, yoke positioning incorrect andthe yoke rings set incorrectly.
No picture, broken solder joint at r807This unit had sound but no picture. we found a broken solderjoint at r807. this resulted in no focus voltage.
P/n inquiry for crt, 8-735-453-05 sub to 8-735-453-05P/n for kv-2681 crt is incorrect. -hq comments: the part # in s/m 8-735-453-05 is correct and correspondsto a67jhg01x type crt. in the near future, it will be supplied as areplacement part in sets specifying this crt.part number landin
Dark picture, shorted c-527 and open r-526No y signal, only chroma. found c527 shorted which causedr526 to burn up.
Dead, h out q-504, reg ic-601 and f-602H. output shorted and took out regulator and fuse.
High voltage interferenceInterference with other sets. high voltage arcing because oneside of c867 on the p board was not soldered. it caused interference withother sets in customer's home.