Results: 87417

Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
Dark picture, replace c531 and r541Picture is dark during normal transmission on all channels.
No display light, resoldered jumperDisplay did not lite at all. lower channels did not comeon all the time (int). higher channels worked fine, picture was good.found no hp going to t001 (hpt) on mt board.
Poor channel reception, replace vhf tunerNo low channels (2-6) reception.
Intermittent shut down, replace c549This unit intermittently shuts down. we found c549 to bethermally intermittent.
Retrace lines on the pictureFew retrace lines were visible on upper left and lower center of the picture at maximum brightness.
Crt shorted out, replace crt, q601, q901, d516 and r605aNo picture. crt shorted out and in turn the following components went out: q601, q901, r605a and d516.
Snowy picture on high channelsAfter unit would warm up, high channels (7-13) picture wouldbe snowy.
Color flickerPulsating color.
Intermittent soundSound would cut out intermittently on vhf. unable to receiveuhf above channel 34. found catv/normal switch defective. this is thesecond unit i have found with this problem.
No horizontal frequency lockHorizontal frequency did not lock.
Picture distortion when operating on/off button, d-001When operating on/off button, picture would either go intosnow or have severe 120 cycle hum in it. set could not be turned off.
No picture, replaced q-956Unit had no picture. sound would vary up and down. found lottransistor shorted.
Vertical noise bar, connection change on r3383 and r3384Unit had dark vertical line in the center of the screen, onlow channels. disconnected resistors r3383 and r3384 where they jointogether and connected them to pin 2 of ba-9 connector.
Poor on no soundThis unit powered up but there was poor or no sound/picture.we found r107 on the q board to be defective.
Poor focus, replaced crtThis unit had poor focus. the tube had internal shortputting 500 volts on the focus pin.
Intermittent shut downThis unit intermittently shut down. we found the lead fromthe flyback to the hvr control to have a poor connection where the wireconnects to the metal retaining cap. the resulting arcing caused theunit to shut down. it was not possible to properly rep
Weak sound on left channelLeft channel output is lower than right channel.
Mechanical damageFlywheel gear broken. at least 25 units are due intohollywood fsc with same complaint. no tape deck operation. so far 5units repaired. four out of five had defective gear. gear must bestrengthened.
No raster, r-526 open, c-527 open and q-504 leakyThis unit had no 1000 volt g2 screen voltage. r526 was open.c527 was blown in half. d508 was changed for safety. q504 was leaky.
Poor focus on the screen, replace t861Set had poor focus on right side of screen (about 4 inches).by tapping t-861, the focus would get worse or better.