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PHILIPS Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
TV with the top part of the vertical partially facade and with lines of retracesThe capacitor c2460, 83 or 83 nf, was replaced and the problem was resolvedAs a precaution, also replace capacitors c2446, c2465, c2463,heliomar
Oscillating weakly with reduced frameI changed the eprom memory and the device worked normally againMemoria epromasr
There is no image, it just chirps very softly 22k resistor chasis (3501)Change the res: from (22k)eletronica ceara
There is sound and no image when powering the esklim the screen turns green with a defect retraction line and the ci tda3565 chas:(ic260)Replace the sameeletronica ceara
With drizzle and no image on pin 8 of the varicap there is 32v replace the varicapChange the varicap.eletronica ceara
Closed image on the top side about 3 fingers plus about 20 white lines below the black band downwards the normal image to solve the problem replace 2 capacitors chas: (2465) 10uf 160v or another chas: (2446) 470uf 16v ok? ??Replace the 2 capacitorseletronica ceara
It didn't turn on, it stayed on standby, when I pressed the channel button it flashed several times very quicklyThere was a lack of 9v voltage coming from pin 5 of the fly, 1Ω resistor 3499 open and transistor 3480 bc337 shortedRomolo
No soundGood friends, this TV had no sound, normal image, change the capacitor c444, ok?MACIEL CEARA
Stopped, inoperative. totally dead.Power supply. power supply regulator 7520 (tea1507) and photo coupler 7515 (tcet1103(g))After changing the regulator, the power supply worked, however, it had 130v at the +b of the fly back and would not start. Noting that the photo coupler seemed to be fine but, after replacing it, the TV worked normally.Tec Video
Vertical closedIn this case it was the 3412 (22k) open resistorfernandocamarques
MD1.11E AB
Without image and sound, dark section and at the end of the lower limit a horizontal sectionFusivel 1463; d6463 (byv27-400)We don't have +29v verticallyjoaquim cunha
Reduced height, image folded at the topC2465. 10uf/160v.nunes
When the device is turned on, a narrow vertical strip appears and it immediately turns off.Sun from burning on the deflector connection terminals (horizontal).Resolder them.CLÁUDIO RIBEIRO,TECNOSAT ELETRÔNICA,JATAÍ-GO
Stand by LED blinking and does not oscillate/secondary power supply oscillatingI changed the power supply capacitors c 2530 and c 2540
TV turns on with dark screen has filament and sound.Update or change eprom, good luck..Clayton
Green screen for seconds and turns offTransistor 7310 (kinescope board)Replace it even if it looks good, as it doesn't show up on the multimeter. I advise you to replace them all to avoid returns and guarantee the service.Tec Video
Dark screen with/characters, normal soundR3442- 100k.nunes
Cushion effect (two bands left and right of the screen)Something in the fet 7400 transistor circuitIn my case it was a 4.7r resistor open in position 3411JUNIOR
When the TV arrived home, it turned on only the LED lit up and there were times when it turned on whenever it wanted after it worked, it could go on for a whole week, I checked the power supply, there was only 100v on the vbat.c-2409 it was dry l-5561 open.C-2409 dry l-5561 open (change)Do not use used for new.wagner
No audio, amplifier ok, speaker okVolume line deficiencyc@rlinhoselectro