Results: 14168

PHILIPS Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
Does not turn on power supply beeping and a tic tic ticShorted horizontal output (bu4508dx), capacitor c630 of 47ufx160v exhausted and bad fly back bsc29-3807d was replaced by a bsc25-n1571 and the tv started working normally againCarlão
Turns on the panel LEDs, but with no function and the display is off and tsound is no audioShorted smd diode d3 is next to coil l5 of diode d7 and resistor r18At first I was suspicious of the microprocessor but it wasn't checking the power supply PCI and it was normal, then I went to the mother PCI checking the components I found this diode short I saw that it wasn't a zener but a rectification diode, I looked for its diagram on the internet and it didn't work. I found it, I decided to put a common diode in its place (in4007) the device even turned on and worked, but after a short time in operation its panel started to weaken, I noticed that the diode I had placed was overheating, I turned it off immediately, I stopped To think about it, I decided to put another diode in its place, but with a high switching speed, like the ones used in TVs that come out of the flyback and feed the vertical output, for example, I put one of those from a TV and the device was zero, it worked normally, I left it for a long time under test (note the diode that I removed from the chassis of a scrap TV, its code is tvr10g)rubertan
Device works normally, suddenly turns off and stays in demo mode (demo mode)Panel contact key with low conduction or altered, place the analog multimeter on scale x10, remove the key from the PCI and test it on that scale and see if it conducts a little without pressing it, if it does, replace it with another one, If it is normal, remove all the others from the PCI and do the same test, sometimes some of them will be alteredCheck it out, these tricks are a lot of mistakes, as they replace and the device goes crazy, they are these (1405, 1406, 1408, 1424, 1426, 1421, 1420, 1422, 1423, 1419, 1418, 1416, 1417, 1411, 1410, 1415 , 1412, 1413, 1414), front panel sw switchesrubertan
Carousel drawer lockedShorted drawer motorReplace it for anotherrubertan
Does not turn on, no standby1n4148 diode open, brown glue on it caused it to oxidize and open it, when I removed it from the PCI it broke in halfReplace it (d723) it is positioned next to the capacitor (c796) and the resistors (r805, r806)rubertan
Without audio CD does not work and carousel drawer does not openAltered diodes on the main PCI, these little rascals alter their conduction and the voltage passing through them drops by half or completely resets if you test them on the PCI with the analogue multimeter, some of them will be altered, but for a more guaranteed service it is preferable to change them all, If you touch the soldering iron to one of its terminals, they will start to conduct and the device will work, be careful, don't trust, change them allThese are these little rascals, they are on the main PCI wsound the power audio ci is located, sound they are (d746, d745, d744, d743, d742, d741, d740, d748)rubertan
No audio cd drawer doesn't workDiodes connected in series changed together with regulator ic702 (ka7812)Replace these diodes as they alter their conduction, if you test them on the PCI with the analog multimeter some of them will be damaged butrubertan
Tecon blowing fuseD08 c209genri maquine
Red LED flashes but nothing turns onC.i of 8 terminals in position 7800 below the electrolytic 2804 of 100x16C.i broke and that's why I couldn't identify the code, I took another one from a scrap card.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Turns on and off in secondsDiodo smd 6451 so replaceDiodo smd 6451 so replaceDJ PITUKA
I'm soundLack of 1.2v voltage on pin 6 of the sound outputs,Replace 10k resistor r722, it was open (8817)MARCOS MELO. CEARA
It turns on, but tsound is no command on the function keys and the Bluetooth keeps flashing and the speaker keeps clicking every three seconds.Problem with the internal reset of u501 pin 38 - dacvmid- gp/io. behavior changes over time. bad component.Replace capacitor c521- 47μF, for 1μFLUCIANO ALQUEJA
Does not turn on, STB LED flashes.Power supply inoperative.Caps 985, 987 and 989 were inflated, replaced and device working.Scds
L11M1 1L
Does not turn on, does not have a 1.80 volt supply1.80 volt regulator 7124 brokenReplaceantonio nobrega patos pb
It doesn't turn on, the power supply has 4.7v.Reg. u702 3v3. replace.Joaomvjr
Does not come out of standbyRemoving the power supply connector in socket p22 on the main board or on the power supply and replacing it again with the power cable connected, then it works, serves the control and everything else. If you remove the socket from the mains, you return to the same problem and do not respond to any command.Capacitor c474 de 4,7mf/16vHelio Eletrônica
Does not come out of standby either via the controller or the keyboardRemoving the power supply connector in socket p22 on the main board or on the power supply and replacing it again with the power cable connected, then it works, serves the control and everything else. If you remove the socket from the mains, you return to the same problem, nothing else matters.Helio Eletronica
PHILIPS 29PT4631/78
Wouldn't turn on without +bPhoto coupler 7515 burntReginaldo Alves
Standby LED blinks but does not startAfter a lot of searching I found the shorted speaker that activated the power supply protectionMarco