Results: 14168

PHILIPS Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
It doesn't work (just screen with drizzle).Cristal 1630 (12mhz). * jul 95 anc *.
It doesn't work (it stays off).Diode 6446 shorted, (output h). *set 94 egs*. resistor 3517, (3,3e), (power supply). * set 94 egs/ctr *. shorted 6441 diode (drive). * Dec 94 jdcc *. check vertical stage (1449/7400/6416/2414/mcss) if is closed, it causes the loss of c
No characters/menu appear.Verificar transistor 7635 (bc548b) com fuga. * 03mar97 anc* ts7634, s5720, c2721, c2722, ic7600, 7225 e sand castle. *18set98 h.desk*
Does not open verticallyCapacitor 2415 open. * Jul 95 jdcc *. capacitor 2404. * 29ago96 jpba*. resistor 3403 (2k7) open. *02oct96 jpba *. c2426, 2427, 2414, d6416, 6449, 1449, ic400, 7225, +26 power supply.
Return lines (retraction).7400 damaged due to probable power supply increase
Thin line in the center (horizontal).Solda fria no resistor 3448 (330e). * nov 95 anc *.
Stand by led does not turn off. (device on)Check micro ic 7600 in service position, when in operation may flash twice and act with control or flash 5 times and do not operate with control. *anc*.
Flashing led (random).1 blink RAM problem (micro) 2 flashes date and clock line 3 eeprom flashes 4 PLL blinks of the tuner (varicap) 5 blinks problem reading after writing (see programming/eeprom) 6 blinks
Poor widthCheck resistor 3512. * apr 95 jpba *.
Indicates error (er..).Er6 = see capacitor 2512 (1mf). *set94 anc*. er3 = broken jump track 9606 pin 6 of 7710. * 13nov95 anc*. er5 = eeprom 7710, when changing channels the screen goes dark and returns to the home channel. * 13Dec95 BC *. er3 = integrated 7710. *
Flickering image (see serr1).Image shakes when increasing sound, performing shielding on 5525 and check information o6ct9405. integrated 7510 (uc3842) in the power supply module. *15jan96 anc* check 3513, 3530, 6519, 5523 and 3517. * 26Jul96 anc *. leaky 6513 diode. * 23set96 ctr
Jagged image (see train1).6519 diode short.**. check power supply module. * 05Jul96 jpba *.
Image folded vertically (i).Solda fria no resistor 3448 (33oe). * nov 95 anc *.
Stripe on the right side (i). white/pink/darkIntegrated circuit (delay line) 7255. * Jul 95 ctr *.
Light band in the center (i) varies with brightness/cont.Resistor 3556. * ago 95 ctr *.
Display or dos indicates error.Indicates er2, and when entering service it indicates er12, check eeprom. * May 95 JDCC *. indicates er2, micro 7600. *out 95 anc*. er4 = tuning unit (varicap). * 12Feb96 anc *. er5 = program error, do not forget to ground pin 1 of the eep
Turns off by itself.Short between pin tracks 16 and 17 of the micro. * 09nov95 anc check transistor 7445 with broken terminal. * 17Jul96 azs*
Damage IC or TS semiconductorVertical integrated 7400, check capacitor 2542, can have a broken terminal. *mar 95 anc*. FET transistor (PN60), check diodes 6512, 6513 and 6519 with escape. * 11jan96 anc *. 7400, see changed resistor 3511 (24k). * 02Oct96 jpba *.
Damages resistorResistor 3560, check capacitor 2542, terminal broken. *mar 95 anc*.
Damage fuseDamaging fuse 1565, check capacitor 2542, with broken terminal. *mar 95 anc*. 1449, see resistor 3511 (24k). * 02Oct96 jpba *.